mingw-w64-gst-rtsp-server mingw-w64-gstreamer mingw-w64-gtest mingw-w64-gtk-doc mingw-w64-gtk-elementary-theme mingw-w64-gtk-engine-murrine mingw-w64-gtk-engines mingw-w64-gtk-vnc mingw-w64-gtk2 mingw-w64-gtk3 mingw-w64-gtk4 mingw-w64-gtkada mingw-w64...
stream sniffer URL Helper-the best url sniffer(RTMP, MMS, RTSP, HTTP) which provide one-step solution to finding the URLs for all streams
I was trying to run "interactive_face_detection_demo.exe" in Win10 using ToolKit2020r4 with an IP camera via rtsp url. Encounter error
IPRTSP; chkHTTP.Checked = MainForm.IPHTTP; UISync.Init(this); LoadSources(); ShowPanel(pnlConfig); } void ShowPanel(Control p) { pnlConfig.Dock = DockStyle.None; pnlConfig.Visible = false; pnlLogin.Dock = DockStyle.None; pnlLogin.Visible = false; pnlFindNetwork....
string rtspUrl2 = "rtsp://" + ip + ":" + serverPort2; OnvifConfig onvfif2 = new OnvifConfig(onvifServerPort2, ip, true, rtspUrl2); CameraServerConfig conf2 = new CameraServerConfig(ip, serverPort2, _mjpegStream.VideoChannel, null, onvfif2); _multiCameraServer.AddNewServer(conf2)...
Play video from UDP/RTSP using MediaElement? Play video stream in wpf playing .m3u8 files in media element in wpf Playing a *.MP3 file in WPF ? Playing Gif in MediaElement Playing sound and waiting to finish playing sounds in a C# WPF application PLC Ladder Logic Editor Pop Up doesn'...
avformat_find_stream_info函数卡住问题 问题:初始化RTSP流时,在android设备上卡住在avformat_find_stream_info函数,然后程序崩溃。 但其他URL没问题,且同样在代码在iOS上没问题,由于jni调试,也没看到ffmepg打印什么异常信息出来,而IOS上可以看到如下打印信息
Create Video from RTSP stream Create WebBrowser from console app Create ZIP of CSV files Creating .exe and .dll file Creating "in memory" Files Creating a Console application: Want to return a value and capture this value. Creating a DDE server in C# Creating a Delegate to a method in ...
avformat_find_stream_info函数卡住问题 问题:初始化RTSP流时,在android设备上卡住在avformat_find_stream_info函数,然后程序崩溃。 但其他URL没问题,且同样在代码在iOS上没问题,由于jni调试,也没看到ffmepg打印什么异常信息出来,而IOS上可以看到如下打印信息
ffmpeg中find_stream_info函数阻塞时间太长 使用ffmpeg播放RTMP流媒体时,播放的延迟很大,而切换到RTSP时基本没有延迟。经过调试发现,程序执行到avformat_find_stream_info()函数会阻塞大约5秒左右,从而导致播放的流媒体延迟超过5秒。 修改函数里面AVFormatContext参数 修改函数里面AVFormatContext参数,probesize和max_analyze_...