stream sniffer URL Helper-the best url sniffer(RTMP, MMS, RTSP, HTTP) which provide one-step solution to finding the URLs for all streams
问题:初始化RTSP流时,在android设备上卡住在avformat_find_stream_info函数,然后程序崩溃。 但其他URL没问题,且同样在代码在iOS上没问题,由于jni调试,也没看到ffmepg打印什么异常信息出来,而IOS上可以看到如下打印信息 avformat_open_input ret=0 UDP timeout, retrying with TCP 看到这个当时竟然没反应过来,知道看到...
av_strlcpy(mp_filename, demuxer->stream->url +17,sizeof(mp_filename));elseif(!strncmp(demuxer->stream->url,"ffmpeg://",9)) av_strlcpy(mp_filename, demuxer->stream->url +9,sizeof(mp_filename));elseif(!strncmp(demuxer->stream->url,"rtsp://",7)) av_strlcpy(mp_filename, demuxe...
5.Click "Sniff Network" button, URL Helper start to watch the network traffic, you can go to the page and start the stream playing. The results list will show all URLs found. 6. then you can download the URLs by HiDownload(HTTP, MMS and RTSP all-in-one stream downloader) Free Downloa...
(pDeviceInfo->m_szSourceUrl, "rtsp://%s:%d/h264/ch1/main/av_stream", deviceInfo.m_szIP, deviceInfo.m_nPort);// }// else// {// sprintf(pDeviceInfo->m_szSourceUrl, "rtsp://%s:%d/h264/ch1/sub/av_stream", deviceInfo.m_szIP, deviceInfo.m_nPort);// }//}//else//{// ...
4.Select the item, click <copy> button and open HiDownload "Add" window to download it. Note: Now, HiDownload Platinum have added the sniffer feature which help you find all stream's links, more details: Streamingstar Converter" If you can not get the flv video's URL, you can try "...
Create Video from RTSP stream Create WebBrowser from console app Create ZIP of CSV files Creating .exe and .dll file Creating "in memory" Files Creating a Console application: Want to return a value and capture this value. Creating a DDE server in C# Creating a Delegate to a method in an...
[NET] netcam_rtsp_open_context: norm: Opened camera((null)) [1:ml1] [INF] [ENC] ffmpeg_avcodec_log: Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: h264, none): unspecified size Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options [1:av0] [INF] [...
strncmp(demuxer->stream->url, "rtsp://", 7)) av_strlcpy(mp_filename, demuxer->stream->url, sizeof(mp_filename)); else av_strlcat(mp_filename, demuxer->stream->url, sizeof(mp_filename)); } else av_strlcat(mp_filename, "foobar.dummy", sizeof(mp_filename)); if (!...
Play video from UDP/RTSP using MediaElement? Play video stream in wpf playing .m3u8 files in media element in wpf Playing a *.MP3 file in WPF ? Playing Gif in MediaElement Playing sound and waiting to finish playing sounds in a C# WPF application PLC Ladder Logic Editor Pop Up doesn't ...