Method 5 – Finding the Last Row with a Specific Value by the MATCH Function Steps: Enter the following formula in cellI5: =INDEX($F$5:$F$15, MATCH(2, 1/($B$5:$B$15=H5))) Explanation: This formula finds the last row with a specific value (H5) in the rangeB5and returns the ...
How to Find Highest Value in Excel Column (4 Methods) How to fix a non-working CTRL+F in Excel: 5 Solutions How to Find the Last Row with a Specific Value in Excel (6 Methods) How to Find the First Value Greater Than in Excel (4 Methods) How to Use Excel Formula to Find Last ...
Set mysearch = Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A1 : A" & Sheets("Sheet6").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row) Set myfind = mysearch.Find(what:=Cells(i, "h"), lookat:=xlWhole) If Not myfind Is Nothing Then fristmyfind = myfind.Address Do Until myfind Is Nothing Or Not bcontinue Cells(...
EntireRow.Delete End With Next xFNum End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Copy 3. Press F5 key, then the all error rows have been deleted.Find and remove all rows with errors with Super Filter The Super Filter utility of Kutools for Excel can filter rows with errors then ...
2 Formula for find maximum column value of the minimum row values 0 Excel VBA - Looping to count cell values larger than / smaller than specific value Hot Network Questions Looking for a movie about humans being cloned to mine but are unaware Defeating a homeland t...
68 How can I find last row that contains data in a specific column? 0 Excel: Find intersection of a row and a column 0 how to determine the max. column and row number that contains a cell value 1 Excel row increment formula 4 Find the number of a row that contains two...
=IF(COUNTIFS($A$2:$A2, $A2, $B$2:$B2, $B2)=1, "Distinct row", "") Find case-sensitive unique / distinct values in Excel If you are working with a data set where case matters, you'd need a bit more trickier array formula. ...
Now you will see all duplicate values/cells are highlighted with specified color in each row. See screenshot:Find and count duplicate cells/values in a single row The second method will introduce Select Duplicate & Unique Cells utility of Kutools for Excel to find and count duplicate cells/row...
("B:B").Find(What:="CMS",After:=DestwsP.Range("B1")).Row CMS_end=DestwsP.Range("B:B").Find(What:="CMS",After:=DestwsP.Range("B1"),SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row sSheet1="'\\shfs01\FShare1\CorpSvcs2\Finance\B2Cash\Credit Control- Reporting & Debt Recovery\Recovery\All DC...