【解析】Perform the row operationR2=-2. R_1+R_2 n R2(row 2) in order to convert some elements in the row to o.[(12)/(10)-3/1√5] Perform the row operationR2=-1.R2 on R2(row2)in order to convert some elements in the row to 1.[12310115] Perform the row operation...
Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[1,1,|4|],[1,14,|-17|]]( [(array)(ccc)1& 1& |4| 1& 14&
【解析】Perform the row operationR2=-3.R1+R2 on R2(row 2) in order to convert some elements in the row to o.11-1-10-44-41-2424Perform the row operationR3=-1.R1+R3 on R3(row 3) in order to convert some elements in the row to o.11-1-10-44-40-3525Perform the row op...
试题来源: 解析 【解析】Perform the row operationR1=5R1 on R1 (row 1)in order to convert some elements in the row t01.[10x-1/20023| Perform the row operationR=R2 on R2 (row 2)in order to convert some elements in the row t01.[1&0&-1/2&01&8/2. ...
【解析】Erchange row 3 and row 2 to organize the zeros into position.0-22R3RPerform the row operatonR=R1 on R1 (row 1)in order to convert some elements in the row t01.1-0-20-10-22Perform the row operationR2=2.R1+R2 on R2 (row 2)in order to convert some elements in t...
【解析】Erchange row 3 and row 2 to organize the zeros into position.-1;0;1;1;0;-1;0;1;0. R_3⇔R Perform the row operationR1=-1.R1 on R1 (row1)in order to convert some elements in the row to 1;0;-1;10-1;0110. Perform the row operationR2=-1.R1+R2 on R2(ro...
Find Reduced Row Echelon Form [[6,-2,0]]*a=10( [(array)(ccc)6& -2& 0(array)]⋅ a=10)
Perform the row operation R2=R2−4R4R2=R2-4R4 to make the entry at 2,42,4 a 00. Tap for more steps... ⎡⎢⎢ ⎢ ⎢⎣1−1−20015000100001⎤⎥⎥ ⎥ ⎥⎦[1-1-20015000100001]Perform the row operation R2=R2−5R3R2=R2-5R3 to make the entry at 2,32,3 ...
Perform the row operation R2=R2−15R1R2=R2-15R1 to make the entry at 2,12,1 a 00. Tap for more steps... ⎡⎢⎢⎣125250010016660⎤⎥⎥⎦[125250010016660]Perform the row operation R3=R3−16R1R3=R3-16R1 to make the entry at 3,13,1 a 00. Tap for more steps... ...
find the reduced row echelon form for the matrix.[1/324&1&2&3&4] 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 10201—12210000 结果一 题目 【题目】2(x+2)+4m+1;x-21/2x-3-4.w echelon form for the matrix. 答案 【解析】1001;01-12;2000.相关推荐 1【题目】2(x+2)+4m+1;x-21/2x-3-4.w ...