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“You should have been able to rely on me. But I was ignorant of so much. My pride and my ignorance made me foolish, and my folly endangered you, the one person I was honor bound to protect.” He looked up at Gilliane again. “I accused Baron Damien of treason, but it was I w...
(We love theMinirig bluetooth speakers, which can also double up as portable DJ practice speakers, as they can be wired into your gear as well.) You could also find music channels on your car radio, adding them to your presets. It doesn’t all have to be dance music – all music cou...
There are also radio stations, websites, job forums and recruitment agencies. Try getting a job with an official contract which will entitle you to the Spanish state pension, a limited unemployment benefit and of course the Spanish national health service. Just like anywhere else there are vacanc...
Radio stations advertise jobs– Oasis FM is a British speaking radio station broadcasting in Tenerife and with a daily job section. You can find these listed onOasis FM website. Recent examples include: Direct Telecom were advertising for Telesales Advisors, Blue Flag Travel were also looking for...
We have great relationships with local media in TV, Radio, and sponsors. What I had no clue about was the knowledge of planting corn or the means to cut a design into it. As I researched the concept of corn mazes I discovered there is more than just finding your way through a maze....
It’s been five days since we learned of David Bowie’s death. I’d bet that no matter where you’re traveling these days, except maybe the desert, you’d hear his music streaming from a radio, iPod, or some other device. And even in the desert, someone just might surprise you with...
There are hotels near Delta, Utah also available. Rancher Motel (435) 864-274, Delta Inn Motel (435) 864-5318, Days Inn (435) 864-3882, Antelope Valley RV Park (800) 430-0022 Sources:
engineers. They directed the OSIRIS-REx mission from their base on Earth using a combination of computer code and onboard cameras, much like a remotely piloted drone or rover. They were able to monitor the spacecraft using a network of radio transmission stations known as the ...
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