•••"He had a shack about four feet square near his house from which he took an ordinary telephone receiver, but entirely without wires. Handing me these, he asked me to walk some distance away and listen. I had hardly reached my post, which happened to be an apple orchard, when...
Along with this are garnets, most always forming in one thin layer on the outside of the feldspar blocks, the rare find of a scrap of aquamarine is possible and uncommon radioactive crystals of monazite and thorianite. I wanted to try and find some of the radioactives and nice garnet p...
The Himalaya Mine dig site is open year round on Thursdays through Sundays from 10am to 3pm (Monday digs can be arranged by reservation only). The mine is located near Santa Ysabel, California and is open to the public. Visitors can dig and screen through ore from the mine in search of...
Granted,The Shackwas a well-written book, but what helped the book spread was the idea behind the book, the visual imagery of God being represented as two women and a Middle Eastern Carpenter. But it took time for such a challenging and counterintuitive message to catch on, which is why ...
” My father brought this home new from Radio Shack as a gift for me in 1982. Model number 42-4000, serial number 6761. It was working reasonably well until I decided to degunk the inside and replace the faders, as one of the tone generator faders was noisy. I bought replacement parts...
and the other was to reduce R11 from 10M to 1M to drop the power-off time from 20 minutes to 2 minutes. Ignoring that several parts only come in larger quantities, and the fact that I decided to replace the $10 Radio Shack soldering iron I’ve had since childhood, this circuit was ...
looked at me quizzically, then pulled out his best Imma-be-blandly-pleasant-while-dealing-with-this-potentially-unstable-stranger expression. “How’s the camping over there?” he asked — I shrugged and grinned evilly. “I really wouldn’t know. I don’t camp. I live.” Radio silence....