机器上装了两个python,一个是默认的,一个是anaconda。安装opencv时就报错了: -- Found PythonInterp: /home/deeplp/anaconda2/bin/python2 (found suitable version "2.7.12", minimum required is "2.0") -- Could NOT find PythonLibs: Found unsuitable version "2.7.6", but required is exact version ...
'D:\\anaconda\\lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib', 'D:\\anaconda\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin', 'D:\\anaconda\\lib\\site-packages\\setuptools-27.2.0-py2.7.egg'] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 每个人的sys.path都不太相同,这取决于你的pyt...
I am on Mac OS Here is the behavior I experienced: after putting in the anaconda path forUse Custom Python Environmentit came back with the message that it did not find python in thedefaultpath. But I asked it to use the custom path! So I gave up and created analias(not a symbolic...
Anaconda的安装路径一直是个迷。在Pycharm中配置interpreter,需要指定环境的python.exe。如何查看环境的安装地址 A、conda info --env B、conda list C、conda find D、conda search 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 化学渗透学说解释了细胞内氧化作用与磷酸化作用是如何相互耦联的,关于化学渗透学说,以下哪一选项的...
Python 3.6 + VS2017 + Anaconda 解决Unable to find vcvarsall.bat问题 已经安装了VS2017,需要将项目中的C代码翻译为Python代码,在编译setup代码时python setup.py build,出现了error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat报错。 找到VS2017的vcvarsall.bat文件,如C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017...
When I click 'Select Python Interpreter,' myprodenvironment is not shown. After I manually select the environment, still no luck. There is asettings.jsonin my working directory, pointing to the right path as well: { "python.pythonPath": "e:\\ProgramData\\Anaconda3\\envs\\prod\\python....
why os.path.normpath does not remove the firsts //? Why the first // are not removed ? The following code: returns not Here the definition: Because on Windows, there is a path ambiguity that python preserves. //var/whatever could refer to a drive mount... ...
1.在命令窗口运行"activate python37" ,出现报错 "Could not find conda environment: python37" 打开安装目录的envs文件夹,发现里面的确没有python环境 2.打开anaconda navigator,按照如下步骤操作,创建python环境 3.再次打开envs目... 查看原文 Anaconda3(python3.7)环境迁移离线部署 python37.tgz解压到/root/...
python@ubuntu:~$ whereis mkdir mkdir: /bin/mkdir /usr/share/man/man1/mkdir.1.gz /usr/share/man/man2/mkdir.2.gz 1.2 文件查找(find) find 命令功能非常强大,通常用来在 特定的目录下 搜索 符合条件的文件 find命令:精确查找,磁盘搜索,IO读写,CPU开销大。 1.2.1 找出来输出到屏幕 用法: find 查...
I have the exact path to where conda is placing java: /home/aadharna/miniconda3/envs/thesis/bin/java This JDK is gotten from here:https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/openjdk But when I try to go there and set IntelliJ's JDK to that, I get the following error: ...