I offer free shipping on all my items. On my eBay app, under my Sold items, I can scroll down to PAYMENTS > Selling Costs and see how much I paid for shipping. But the list only goes back 3 months. Does anyone know how I can see that information on older items? Someone...
I deleted most of my gold jewelry from eBay, because the prices I set (which people were already not paying) were surpassed by the weight value, and it makes no sense to sell any gold piece below that. Gold prices tend to do well in times of uncertainty, so I don’t see that chang...
One of the places you can find dropshipping suppliers through Oberlo is on AliExpress.AliExpressis an excellent place to start your dropshipping business. This huge wholesale platform is part of the Alibaba empire. You can find good prices and a wide range of merchandise. Most products on AliEx...
Megagoodsspecializes in selling consumer electronics and video game items. Thankfully, these two categories are very broad, so you shouldn’t have an issue finding items that the average online shopper is looking for. For example, you can drop ship the obvious, like flatscreen TVs and phone ch...
If you know any good places we missed, items you would like to see on this site or any other general comments or suggestions, be sure to contact us. One of the best places to find discontinued products and items is eBay. For updates, feel free to follow us on Twitter or Facebook. ...
I think the buyer will be confused why Ebay has shown them the same item at higher prices or other items that the buyer is not actually looking for. Also on some listings the items that are shown as similar are really not similar. I think the whole search for similar items is ...
You can find products to sell online using Ebay sales data by searching for high-demand goods on the platform. It’s possible tocreate your own online storearound these items. You can potentially make a lot of sales and not have to pay EBay’s high final value fees. ...
Cost of Goods Sold FBA Fees Other Cost And the tool will automatically calculate the profit margin for you. Amazon Product Research Checklist Here is a quick checklist to help you easily pick the right product to sell: Product prices should fall between the range of $10 and $50 ...
Check out eBay’s Top Sellers Many AliExpress dropshippers can be found on eBay. AliExpress is therefore responsible for most of the products sold on eBay. AliExpress is the top seller for many of eBay’s best-selling products. eBay Export allows you to search eBay for the most-sold product...
Unit only, sold AS-IS” Click here to visit listing on eBay Categories Moog, Prodigy This website is reader supported. When you purchase items on eBay through the links on this site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Read our Privacy Policy for info. Roland Ju...