0 PowerShellGet PSGallery PowerShell module with commands for discovering...cmdlet Find-Module 使用Name 参数指定 PowerShellGet 模块。 MinimumVersion 指定版本 1.6.5。 Find-Module 返回PowerShellGet 版本2.1.0 ,因为它超出了最低版本,并且是最新版本。
find 根据下列规则判断 path 和 expression,在命令列上第一个 - ( ) , ! 之前的部分为 path,之后...
This can happen when the environment variables are missing an entry for Powershell.$env:pathmust includeC:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;. As mentioned in the comments, the installer likely added this entry to your path after not finding it on the first run of the installer. To ...
这是Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet 中cmdlet 的代理 Find-PSResource cmdlet。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Find-PSResource。示例示例1:按名称查找 DSC 资源Find-DscResource 按名称查找 DSC 资源。 使用逗号分隔资源名称数组。powershell 复制 Find-DscResource -Name xWebsite, xWebApplication, xWebSiteDefaults ...
PowerShell Find-Module-NamePowerShellGet-MinimumVersion1.6.5Version Name Repository Description --- --- --- ---2.1.0PowerShellGet PSGallery PowerShell module with commandsfordiscovering... コマンドレットではFind-Module、Nameパラメーターを使用してPowerShellGetモジュールを指定します。MinimumVe...
PowerShellGet Finds PowerShell commands in modules. Syntax PowerShellنسخ Find-Command[[-Name] <String[]>] [-ModuleName <String>] [-MinimumVersion <String>] [-MaximumVersion <String>] [-RequiredVersion <String>] [-AllVersions] [-AllowPrerelease] [-Tag <String[]>] [-Filter <Strin...
This can happen when the environment variables are missing an entry for Powershell. $env:path must include C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
cut cut 动作 文件 从指定文件截取内容 cut -c 字符 按字符选取内容 cut -d 指定分割符 cut ...
Summary: Use Windows PowerShell to find what version of Windows you are running. How can I use Windows PowerShell to find the version of Windows that is installed on a group of computers? To be safe, I need the command to be compatible with Windows PowerShell 2.0. ...