Do they limit the amount of time a dog is in a crate? Do they employ safe, humane, and dog-friendly methods? Safety and kindness are essential for any place you take your dog. It is important that all dogs on a grooming table be safely restrained to keep dogs from jumping or slipping...
Perfect pups for your family View all PuppiesAkitaAlaskan Klee KaiAlaskan MalamuteAmerican BullyAmerican Eskimo DogAmerican Pit Bull TerrierAussiedoodleAustralian Mountain DogAustralian ShepherdBasset HoundBeagleBelgian MalinoisBernedoodleBernedoodle, MiniBernese Mountain DogBich-Poo - BichpooBichon FriseBorder Col...
NUTRITIONWith the wide variety of food at Thanksgiving dinner, chances are you'll want to give your dog something special, too. If you're contemplating what to feed your dog for the holiday, here is a guide to a great Canine Thanksgiving Feast. ...
Search our dog name generator to find the perfect name for your puppy. Dog names that are friendly, tough, funny, cute, geeky and more!
Thinking about getting a getting a dog or puppy? Why buy one for sale when you can adopt! Find out which dog breed is the right fit for you and your home with Petfinder.
Search our dog name generator to find the perfect name for your puppy. Dog names that are friendly, tough, funny, cute, geeky and more!
Getting a dog seemed like a good idea. The same day, I saw that the girl from my town desperately wanted to find a home for the puppies she’d found next to the dumpster. One was perfect for me. It had playfulness in the eyes; I needed that. So I slid into her inbox to ask ...
Dog Adoption Articles Learn more about caring for your new dog Read More Cat Adoption Articles Helpful insights on what to expect. Read More
He is not only took royal care of Shasta but of me as well. Going above and beyond to take the time to be present with me answering all my questions and even giving me dog advice that had nothing to do with grooming. I walked out feeling wiser and cared for and Shasta came out ...
Find your perfect puppy from a safe and secure source. For over 15 years we have been connecting caring families with responsible and reputable breeders.