The generator matrix of quasi-cyclic low-density parity-check (QC-LDPC) codes is not, in general, in systematic form. Therefore, finding the message corresponding to a detected codeword at the receiver is not as straightforward as it is ... A Hasani,L Lopacinski,S Buchner,... 被引量:...
LINEAR codesBINARY codesHAMMING weightPARITY-check matrixWIRELESS communicationsLINEAR network codingNested linear coding is a widely used technique in wireless communication systems for improving both security and reliability. Some parameters, such as the relative generalized Hamming weight and the relative ...
𝒞⊥1C1⊥ uses 𝐻1H1 as the generator matrix and 𝐺1G1 as the parity-check matrix. Hence, the nested linear code (𝒞⊥1(C1⊥, 𝒞⊥0)C0⊥) is the dual code of (𝒞0(C0, 𝒞1)C1). In the dual space, 𝒞⊥1C1⊥ serves as the fine code, and 𝒞⊥0C0⊥ is the...