Based on your Nakshatra and its quarters, you can also find your moon sign or Janma Rashi The identity that you get in the form of the name, is assigned based on your birth star as each nakshatra has its own traits and starting letters Using the starting character of your nakshatra...
Out of the nine planets, Saturn, Mars, and Rahu are malefics, and theSunis malefic, but it is not as damaging as the othermalefic planets. Jupiter and Venus are seen as natural benefics while the auspiciousness of the Moon and Mercury depends upon the planets in conjunction with them. ...
Find detailed information of name 梅连, its meaning, gender, origin, religion, rashi (zodiac sign), nakshatra (lunar mansion), graha (planet), lucky traits, lucky number, color, stone, metal, days, time, ruling hours, ruling planets, passion, numerology,
Find detailed information of name Manwendra, its meaning, gender, origin, religion, rashi (zodiac sign), nakshatra (lunar mansion), graha (planet), lucky traits, lucky number, color, stone, metal, days, time, ruling hours, ruling planets, passion, numero
Find detailed information of name 梅兴, its meaning, gender, origin, religion, rashi (zodiac sign), nakshatra (lunar mansion), graha (planet), lucky traits, lucky number, color, stone, metal, days, time, ruling hours, ruling planets, passion, numerology,