Find Unclaimed Funds and Missing Money Government Unclaimed Money Database Search Click binoculars or select asset below... Last year 2.5 million citizens successfully claimed over $2 billion. The record payout: $6.1 million. Act now! ►Life Insurance & Unclaimed Inheritances:Unclaimed Life Insura...
HiddenMoneyFinder – An estimated $60 billion in unclaimed assets is available! Find out if you have Unclaimed Money in your name!
Also, check out the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs unclaimed funds page for veteran family members' and beneficiaries' benefits. 3. Federal Tax Refunds If you think the Internal Revenue Service owes you a refund, visit its Where's My Refund? page. In fact, You may want to ...
In some cases,even if you filed for a refund, you might not have gotten the tax refund check itself. These checks are mailed to your last known address, so if you moved without informing the IRS or the US Postal Service, your refund check might have been returned to the IRS. You can...
You can track down your stimulus payment without picking up the phone. Sarah Tew/CNET What to do if one of the three stimulus checks hasn't arrived About 15 days after the IRS sends out your check,you should receive a letterfrom the agency confirming the payment. When the first round...
You can track down your stimulus payment without picking up the phone. Sarah Tew/CNET What to do if one of the three stimulus checks hasn't arrived About 15 days after the IRS sends out your check,you should receive a letterfrom the agency confirming the payment. When the ...