Find a database size limit from within the SQL Server Find a String inside nvarchar(max) Find all rows where the value in one column only occurs once Find All Special Characters in a SQL Server Find and insert missing records Find cascading deletes that effect a specific table Find creator...
"S1000: [Microsoft ODBC SQL server driver sql server could not find the index entry for our ID (ID number) in index page (page number), index id (Number), database (database name)"This error occurs when attempting to generate a report. C...
declare @temp_trace table (obj_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default,database_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default,start_time datetime, event_class int,event_subclass int,object_type int,server_name nvarchar(256) collate database_default,login_name nvarchar(256) ...
When you select the Refresh button on the report toolbar, the report server reruns the query, and updates report data if the report runs on demand. If the report is cached or is a snapshot, the refresh action displays the report that's stored in the report server data...
How to use SQL Server in win 8 and Windows Server environment Problem is when a user tries to install SQL Server 2012 or 2014 or 2008 R2 during installation error is flashed which says Could not find database engine startup handleand some Hex error...
When we are working with SQL Server databases, very often we will come across the problem of abnormal database size growth. In such a situation we need to get the size of tables in the database to identify the abnormal sized tables to figure out the cause of growth. ...
Assume that you set up SQL Server replication and created a publication on a database that has a period in its name. If you run theExpired subscription clean upjob or thesys.sp_expired_subscription_cleanupstored procedure, the job...
Use COL_LENGTH() to Get a Column's Length in SQL Server
Customers moving SQL Server workloads to the cloud have choices. Whether simply migrating to virtual machines (VMs) to offload infrastructure costs or modernizing onfully-managed database servicesthat do more on your behalf, every choice on Azure is a great one. ...
最近在公司项目中使用exec sp_executesql @sql执行一段文本sql的时候老是报错: Could not find database ID 16, name '16'. The database may be offline. Wait a few minutes and try again.执行的sql大概如下,注意其中有个额外的参数@databaseName是nvarchar类型,用来声明数据库的名字: ...