In their writings, the Fathers of the Church provided valuable advice to parents asto raising and educating children. There are differences among young people triggered by the social environment they live in, the education they receive, thedegree to which they allow themselves to be influenced and...
We’ve rounded up more information about the various VBS camps in the western suburbs that will help you in your search for the best “VBS near me.” Addison VBS Messiah Baptist Church July 22-26, 2024 | 6:30pm – 8:45pm 600 S. Villa Avenue, Addison IL 60101 ...
Ukrainian Protesters Find Powerful Ally in Orthodox ChurchKIEV, Ukraine -- After helmeted riot police stormed IndependenceSquare early Nov. 30, spraying...Herszenshorn, David M
325. The Church called another council in 397 A.D.,the Council of Carthage, and it was at this council that determined what books would be included in the bible and is the bible we have today. Once the Canon was closed in 397 A.D. no new writings, or thoughts could become part of...
Welcome to Dr. Anthony G. Payne's Ⓥ Cerebratorium! Whether you are a true believer, a true disbeliever, or something in-between, you'll likely find food for thought in this, my sharinghouse for ideas, options, novel angles & insights.
For while orthodox doctors were busily arguing that food could not cause allergies on anything like the scale we were seeing, that hubris distracted them from grasping the enormous importance of what we pioneers were seeing in a clinical practice. Over the years, and on seeing tens of thousands...
Nothing has pounded that thought home for me more than what happened yesterday morning as I was hurrying into the church where we do our testing. In front of the entrance sat a hearse, and the people from a local funeral home were moving a flag-draped casket from the hearse onto a wheel...
A formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it; the two Protestant ceremonies are baptism and the Lord's Supper; in the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church there are seven traditional rites accepted as instituted by Jesus: baptism and confirmation...