Aims The aims of this paper are first, to determine the extent of difficulties the public are experiencing in obtaining a dentist undertaking NHS dental care. Second, to describe the personal and socio-demographic details of these groups using data from a national study. Method The vehicle for ...
Tooth about Trying to Find NHS Dentist; Very Few Are Accepting New Patients
You Know the Drill ; as Jeremy Laurance Found out to His Cost, NHS Dentists Are Still Flouting the Rules with Jaw-Dropping Charges. How Do They Get Away wi... Lying prone, gazing into the face of my goggle-eyed dentist, I wondered which was worse - to lose my tooth or my savings...
You Don't Need a Tooth Fairy to Make the Big Bills Vanish ; DENTAL CHARGES_ Can't Find an NHS Practice? Esther Shaw Asks If It's Worth Joining the English ... Can't find an NHS dentist? Then you don't have to grit your teeth and go private - you could join the many British...
The role of the BDJ is to inform its readers of ideas, opinions, developments and key issues in dentistry - clinical, practical and scientific - stimulating interest, debate and discussion amongst dentists of all disciplines.doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4801266RenshawJohnBritish Dental Journal...
Byline: By TOM BODDEN Welsh Affairs CorrespondentDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
Amy King
Aims The aims of this paper are first, to determine the extent of difficulties the public are experiencing in obtaining a dentist undertaking NHS dental care. Second, to describe the personal and socio-demographic details of these groups using data from a national study. Method The vehicle for ...
How difficult is it to find an NHS dentist in London?The surprise is we're generally well catered for - but there are catches.One problem is that even if you find an NHS dentist, you may have to pay almost as much as those who go private. As a charge-paying NHS patient you must...
Byline: ISLA WHITCROFTWhitcroft, Isla