Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at /root/.cpan/build/DBD-mysql-4.020/Makefile.PL line 478. Can't find mysql_config. Use --mysql_config option to specify where mysql_config is located Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at /root/.cpan/build/...
I have a running (in production) mysql instance on my linux server (ubuntu-10.10) however I cannot find my mysql_config file. command and output: ~$ locate mysql_config~$ I've heard/read that I need the libmysqlclient-dev package installed to be able to use mysql_config but I don't ...
Cannot find the file 'mysql_config'! Your execution PATH doesn't seem not contain the path to mysql_config. Resorting to guessed values! Subject Written By Posted Cannot find the file 'mysql_config'! Peter Mills November 14, 2005 05:01AM ...
I have a running (in production) mysql instance on my linux server (ubuntu-10.10) however I cannot find my mysql_config file. command and output: ~$ locate mysql_config ~$ 1. 2. I've heard/read that I need the libmysqlclient-dev package installed to be able to use mysql_config but ...
The database config file contains information Magento needs to connect and interact with the MySQL database. You need to edit the settings in the config file if: The database hostname changed. The database password or username was modified. ...
除了指定时间以外,find还可以通过对比某一个文件的相关时间找到符合条件的文件,比如-anewer file。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 [root@zorrozou-pc0 zorro]# find/etc-anewer/etc/passwd 这样可以在/etc/目录下找到文件的access time比/etc/passwd的access time更新的所有文件。
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at WARNING: Found existing config file /usr/local/mysql/my.cnf on the system. Because this file might be in use, it was not replaced, but was used in bootstrap (unless you used --defaults-file) ...
/mysql-5.6.37-winx64 -- MYSQL_INCLUDE_DIR : D:/mysql-5.6.37-winx64/include -- MYSQL_LIB_DIR : D:/mysql-5.6.37-winx64/lib -- MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR : D:/mysql-5.6.37-winx64/lib/plugin -- MYSQL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE : -- MYSQL_CXX_LINKAGE : -- MYSQL_CFLAGS : -- MYSQL_CXXFLAGS : ...
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at New default config file was created as ./my.cnf and will be used by default by the server when you start it. You may edit this file to change server settings WARNING: Default config file /etc/my.cnf exists on the syste...
I'm seeing this same problem with CPAN module DBD::MySQL 3.002. I've looked all over and I can't find a 'mysql_config' file. I also don't see any 'devel'type modules for CPAN. Any suggestions (other then using rpm instead of CPAN)?