The ticket number, sometimes called the citation number, is located in the upper right-hand corner of the ticket. You will need that number to pay a traffic ticket fine online or to enter a plea. But if you lose the ticket, don't worry. The court authorities have the number and will ...
How do I know I'm eligible to attend a defensive driving course online to dismiss a ticket? The Texas Court will notify you as to whether your citation is eligible for dismissal through the attendance of a Texas Education Agency approved internet driver safety course. As lon...
tab_ticket_data = WebDriverWait(browser_o.driver,10).until( ec.visibility_of_element_located((By.ID,'tab_ticket_data'))) status = tab_ticket_data.find_element_by_css_selector(".table_ticket_data td.ticket_status")assertstatus.text.strip().lower() =='open'# sel...