Findmyshift B.V. 大小 23.4 MB 類別 商業 兼容性 iPhone 須使用 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。 iPad 須使用 iPadOS 11.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch 須使用 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。 Mac 須使用 macOS 11.0 或以上版本及配備 Apple M1 或以上版本晶片的 Mac。
Findmyshift's companion app for iOS requires that you have been added to a schedule by your manager, or have already registered an account on the website. De…
“Findmyshift is a fantastic online tool that gives me clear visibility of all of our cinemas' schedules through one easy website.” - Neil Gardhouse, Picturehouse Cinemas Findmyshiftis rated4.64out of 5 from1124customer reviews on:
能够解释这款 App 能被审核通过却又在随后下架的原因,其中一个就是「Apple 自己也在做类似的功能」,典型的例子就是提供了色温调节的 Flux App 与目前 iOS 中的Night Shift功能。 iOS 10.3 beta 1 的发布向我们证明了这一点:在内建的「Find My iPhone」中,App 新增了对 AirPods 的支援。但它的实现方式,与...
Windows:CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + O Mac:⌘ + ⌥ + SHIFT + O 安装 最简单的安装方法是使用 aescripts + aeplugins 管理器应用程序 Windows:将 Find My AEP.aex 移动到 C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore Mac:将 Find My AEP.plugin 移动到 /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Com...
Surveyapp SurveyMonkey SurveySparrow SwiftAssess SWOOP Analytics SyncLect GAI Bot SyncoBox SyncTimes Synergita OKR Synergita Perform SysAid TagMyFav 點選[我的上一頁] TaskCall Taskize TaskPort 小組面板入/出狀態清單 Team Embedded 儀錶板 小組Forms Team GPS Team Survey - 意見反應問卷 Team Today Te...
Surveyapp SurveyMonkey SurveySparrow SwiftAssess SWOOP Analytics SyncLect GAI Bot SyncoBox SyncTimes Synergita OKR Synergita Perform SysAid TagMyFav 點選[我的上一頁] TaskCall Taskize TaskPort 小組面板入/出狀態清單 Team Embedded 儀錶板 小組Forms Team GPS Team Survey - 意見反應問卷 Team Today...
name:'App' } 原来是小写的问题,el: '#app',id为app的元素,这个a字母是小写的!!! main.js 正确代码 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 importVue from'vue' importApp from'./App' importrouter from'./router' /* eslint-disable no-new */ newVue({ el:'...
To have the section include only the lists in your personal storage, press the Tab key until you hear "View switcher," press Spacebar to open the dropdown menu, press the Tab key until you hear "My lists," and then press Spacebar to select it. To hav...
Findmyshift's companion app for iOS requires that you have been added to a schedule by your manager, or have already registered an account on the website. Designed to help employees and their managers check and update their shifts on the go, Findmyshift's iOS app enables employees to chec...