You can also locate lost devices using the SmartThings Find feature within the SmartThings app. To use SmartThings Find, ‘Allow this phone to be found’ in Find My Mobile settings must be turned on. To register a device as a Find Node, you need to agree to allow the use of your locat...
I am having difficulties with downloading findmyphone app on the sumsung website and google play.Can you help? 0 Likes Reply 1 REPLY lminvti Samsung Members Star ★ 26-10-2024 01:25 PM Hi there 👋, you can find this option in galaxy store by typing samsung find in search ...
You can lock the screen and display a message or contact information for the person who finds your device. Additionally, you can restrict access to Samsung Pay and Samsung Pass, as well as lock your phone from being turned off. Ring my device ...
Find My Mobile has been integrated with SmartThings Find. Lost something? Find your Galaxy phone, tablet, watch, and other devices with SmartThings Find.
findmyphone samsung 惠生活 您好,如果您的Samsung手机丢失了,这里有一些建议帮助您找回手机: 使用“查找我的手机”功能: 确保您的Samsung账户已登录在手机上,并开启了“查找我的手机”功能。 访问Samsung的“查找我的手机”网站或使用Samsung的“Find My Mobile”应用(适用于已安装并设置好的设备)。 登录您的...
Samsung has updated the Find My Mobile app with a new feature that lets you find your phone even when it's offline.
Hello Samsung, I'm in China, and I know the Government needs you to scramble the location data. When Google Maps can show the accurate location, how difficult would it be to show an accurate location on the Find Device feature? With the location skewed, it renders this app tot...
I recommend putting the find my phone toggle back in the pull down menu. It was much easier and faster before but now it takes forever having to go into the new app. No one is liking this change. Maybe we can have both but please add this feature back. Thanks. 1 Like Reply 5...
CHẤP NHẬN Tag > Find My Phone Mất điện thoại nên làm sao? 10/07/2023 1 Danh mục Liên hệ SAMSUNG.COM Điều kiện điều khoản Riêng tư và thu thập thông tin © Toàn quyền sử dụng bởi Samsung Điện tử...
Samsung Find is supported on all Galaxy phone/tablet models running One UI 2 (Android Q OS) or later. Samsung Find is provided as a preload in new devices with One UI 6.1 version. One UI 6.1 upgraded devices can be downloaded from the Galaxy store. Tabs in Samsung Find Frequently asked...