For example, suppose you want to visit a place in Europe or the USA, but can’t find Business Class award space to that particular city. The next best thing would be to find Business Class award space to a city near your destination, then take a cheap Economy Class flight or tr...
Well, They Didn't Find It Here! Ilaughat danger! I sneer in the face of... oh, never mind. [OK, I *think* the link is working now - prooofreding is for weenies.]
People who would never even consider full-timing love to talk about their reasons for not being able to live the RV life — and number two (just behind “I just couldn’t let go of all my stuff”) is usually “Because I like having some place to come home to after I’m done trave...
Also, the question, each journey, of whether it might be my last one to the Far North. I remember paddling the final miles of the Kazan in my fifties, with the boys in the canoe, that river so potent with power and momentum, and thinking with a surge of real grief that it would, ...
My son said two of his friends went to polling place and ballot ALREADY had Biden's name checked off! They had to go through hell to get them replaced! Now, all the police unions encouraged their members and voter-age family members to vote for Trump, ...