but it is not as damaging as the othermalefic planets. Jupiter and Venus are seen as natural benefics while the auspiciousness of the Moon and Mercury depends upon the planets in conjunction with them. If they are conjunct benefics, they will turn benefits, and if they are conjunct malefic...
Find detailed information of name 丽丽, its meaning, gender, origin, religion, rashi (zodiac sign), nakshatra (lunar mansion), graha (planet), lucky traits, lucky number, color, stone, metal, days, time, ruling hours, ruling planets, passion, numerology,
Nakshatras The zodiac according to Indian Astrology comprises of 360 degrees. There are 27 Nakshatras or constellations in it. Birth Journal A Kundli or horoscope is an astrological chart that is created based on exact birth date, place of birth and time. ...