If you are a current member of the CBP program, your PASS ID/ KTN can be found on the back of your membership card.
A Known Traveler Number (KTN) is issued to travelers when approved for TSA PreCheck. Learn where to find your KTN today.
Also just for context I'm having to start LightDM manually from TTY1, because something it going haywire with my boot. ktnlikeasmallcat commented Sep 6, 2022 After doing # mv linux.rej linux.rej.bkp and removing etc/grub.d/LS_linux.rej , LS_linux.rej is recreated. /etc/grub.d/pr...
My issue is: When running cuckoo under the cuckoo user (with the . ~/cuckoo/bin/activate environment) it is producing the error, "CuckooCriticalError: Please update your configuration. Unable to shut 'cuckoo1' down or find the machine in its proper state: The virtual machine 'cuckoo1' doe...