In many cases, restarting your iPhone is a good way to fix Find My iPhone not working. You can simply turn off your iPhone via the Settings app. Head toSettings>General, and then hit on theShut Downbutton. Once your iPhone is turned off successfully, keep holding theSidebutton to restart...
Unless you tell us what settings you tried there is no way to help you. Have you reviewed this→Set up Find My on your iPhone, Mac, and other devices - Apple Support and this→If Find My is offline or not working - Apple Support (1) Reply of 1 Find my iPhone not working Welcome ...
Part 1. 'Find My iPhone' Is Not Working Lost your iPhone and struggling to get the 'Find My iPhone' feature to work? Don't worry, you're not alone - this frustrating issue can be a major source of stress, especially for those who rely on their device for work, staying in touch wi...
Find my iPhone not working can’t share location bought iPhone in korea Hi purchased my iPhone in Korea I’m not able to use find my iPhone in my home country South Africa tried finding ways but can’t do you have any suggestions on how to fix this, can’t also view locations sent...
Find My iPhone的原理是在有网络连接的情况下,设备通过网络告诉iCloud自己当前的位置并接受来自iCloud的指令。对于Wi-Fi版的iPad或iPod Touch由于没有蜂窝数据网络,所以只有接近以前进入过的Wi-Fi网络范围或者拿着你设备的人设置连上自己家的Wi-Fi才行,其实就算是对于iPhone或3G版iPad,一旦别人把其中...
properly, check your network connection and confirm the device has power. make sure icloud, find my iphone, find my network, and send last location are enabled. check that location services are enabled and the date & time setting is correct. is find my iphone not working on your iphone?
IT之家 4 月 7 日消息,一位居住在美国得克萨斯州的男子表示要起诉苹果公司,认为“Find My”系统存在 BUG,导致不断有人上门索要 iPhone / iPad,让别人以为他是一名窃贼。 IT之家从报道中获悉,这名男子名为 Scott Schuster,在接受休斯顿 ABC 电台 KTRK 采访时表示,自 2018 年搬入位于得克萨斯州里士满的这个...
1 1.首先,手机丢失前,【查找我的iPhone】的状态需保持开启状态,通过在“设置”->”iCloud”里面,把状态打开2.一定不要忘记开启定位功能:“设置”–>“隐私”–>“定位服务”,找到【查找我的 iPhone】并确保其显示绿色的开启状态3.输入同样的iCloud账户和密码登陆,点击“查找我的 iPhone”对手机进行定位。
Find My iPhone上阵,设置成“丢失模式”,并留了联系方式,坐等敌人“发慈悲” 半个月过去了,一直杳无音信,也似乎忘了这件事。 但今天中午,收到邮件 乍一看也看不出什么问题 但仔细看,有问题 发件人地址是,收件人地址是,自己也不在抄送名单里,合着这是密送来的邮件...