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The company, notorious for its union-busting practices, is doing everything it can to stop the union and has embarked on an aggressive campaign to delay the union election and convince workers to vote no. If the workers elect to make the union official, it will be the first Amazon union ...
“But guided by my conscience and my experience as a public defender, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Vice President, and now President, I am more convinced than ever that we must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level. In good conscience, I cannot stand back ...
Why was my election sign removed from your lawn? Why was my business card removed from your bulletin board? Can my group have a coin drop or sell items at your shop? Do you do scholarships? Who do you give to? Can I put a canister in your shop for my fundraiser? How does the Hol...
or the more intangible way a great film can make you empathize with a stranger's struggle,” said Cara Cusumano, Festival Director. "In an election year where we will go to the polls to make big decisions about our future together, these films are an opportunity...
Is it really a surprise that even burgers get political in an election year? This is D.C. after all. Read more Another New Burger Joint in the D.M.V.? You Bet Your Ass [Mo’ Burgers] By Jody in burgers,D.C. Burgs,Virginia Burgs with 9 comments Tags: dc, fairfax, mo burgers...