No need to panic. Easily find your lost phone by visiting the Samsung Find website. You can also lock, ring, and wipe your data remotely.
Locate and lock your device or erase your data via Samsung Find. Locate my device If you've turned on the 'Send last location' option, you can roughly zero in on your device's location. It can send its last known address to the server before powering off, aiding in tracking its wherea...
Galaxy Wearable app. SelectFind My Watch. Note: If Samsung SmartThings is set up on your connected device, you will be prompted to use SmartThings to find your Galaxy Watch. 2. SelectStart. 3. Your watch will ring and vibrate. Select theX iconwhen you have found your device. Turn on re...
Find My Device在偵測到手機位置時將顯示位置的詳細資料。 請執行下列其中一個步驟: 按一下播放音效,讓一時找不到的手機發出鈴聲。 如果這是您初次使用Find My Device,請按一下設定安全和清除設定手機的遠端鎖定和清除操作。 按一下確保裝置安全鎖定手機並登出Google帳戶。
Lost your device? Don't panic. Find My Mobile will help you locate your phone or tablet and protect your data. You can even use it to unlock if you forget your pattern, PIN, or password.
Your Galaxy Watch will ring and vibrate. Select theX iconwhen you have found your device. Turn on the reactivation lock so you can use your Samsung account to stop anyone from reactivating your Galaxy Watch without your permission. From the Find My Watch screen, selectSET SECURITY. ...
根据代码字符串相关描述,用户丢失物品中之后,通过“Find My Device”应用寻找,可以通过 AR 方式更加直观地追踪物品。三星 Galaxy SmartTag 2 已实现类似技术 该系统目前尚未生效,不过根据字符串内容,屏幕上可能会出现箭头、文字和语音提示等,事实上谷歌已经在 Google Maps 中提供了名为“Live View”的类似功能,...
在地图上查看您的手机、平板电脑或其他 Android 设备及配件的所在位置。 如果设备当前的位置无法获得,您会看到其上次在线时所在的位置。 使用室内地图即可在机场、商场或其他大型建筑物中寻找设备 依次点按设备的位置标记和 Google 地图图标,即可借助 Google 地图前往设备的所在位置 让设备以最大音量播放声音,即使设备已...
🎈 幸运的是,Find My智能防丢技术完美结合了蓝牙和GPS的优点,克服了它们的局限。它不仅可以实时监测设备的移动轨迹,还能在设备丢失后立即触发报警,并给出详细的定位信息。🚨💪 现在,无论你的设备是iOS、iPadOS、macOS还是watchOS设备,只要在Find My设置中打开离线寻找功能,都可以通过地图查看所有设备的精确位置。
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