● 找出過去最接近今天的日期 在本節中,我們將向您展示如何在Excel中查找距今天最近的將來的日期。 1.選擇空白單元格B2,複製並粘貼公式= MIN(IF(A2:A18> TODAY(),A2:A18))到配方欄,然後按按Ctrl+轉移+Enter同時鍵。 看截圖: 然後,您將在單元格B2中獲得到今天的未來最接近日期。 筆記: 1.在公式中,請根...
Method 6 – Getting the Number of Days of Next Month with DAY, DATE & MONTH Functions Together Steps: Get into cell C5 and put down the formula below. =DAY(DATE(YEAR(B5), MONTH(B5) +2, 1) -1) Press the ENTER key. How to Create Automatic Rolling Months in Excel Steps: Select ...
Rng_1: the range of cells that you want to find the most frequent text. Rng_2: the range of cells that contain the criteria you want to use. Criteria: the condition you want to find text based on. Return value This formula returns the most frequent text with a specific criterion....
In this section, we will show you how to find the future closest date to today in Excel. 1. Select the blank cell B2, copy and paste formula =MIN(IF(A2:A18>TODAY(),A2:A18)) into the Formula Bar, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys simultaneously. See screenshot:Then you ...
Max returns the largest value in a numeric field and the most recent date or time value in a Date/Time field. Min returns the smallest value in a numeric field and the earliest date or time value in a Date/Time field. On the Query Design tab, in the ...
Max returns the largest value in a numeric field and the most recent date or time value in a Date/Time field. Min returns the smallest value in a numeric field and the earliest date or time value in a Date/Time field. On the Query Design tab, in the Query Se...
Lookup all values and find latest (earliest) dateThe following formula looks in column C for the most recent date for each value in column B.Formula in cell D3:=IF(MAX(INDEX((B3=$B$3:$B$14)*$C$3:$C$14,))=C3,"Latest","")...
Method 1 – Use Excel’s MAXIFS Function to Find Max Date in Range with Criteria Steps: Go to cellD12and insert the following formula: =MAXIFS(D5:D11,B5:B11,B5) Press theEnterkey to see the maximum date of purchase order delivery. ...
3. After identifying those employees, we will need to find the first day of the week that can first achiever the 4 consecutive weeks criteria and display it in the Excel sheet. (The date will be either the Sunday of the week or the join date of the employee, whichever is e...
3. After identifying those employees, we will need to find the first day of the week that can first achiever the 4 consecutive weeks criteria and display it in the Excel sheet. (The date will be either the Sunday of the week or the join date of the employee, whichever is ...