hidden参数:默认情况下,隐藏文件会被忽略,当hidden参数的值设置为yes时,才会查找隐藏文件。 file_type参数: 默认情况下,ansible只会根据条件查找"文件",并不会查找"目录"或"软链接"等文件类型,如果想要指定查找的文件类型,可以通过file_type指定文件类型,可指定的文件类型有any、directory、file、link 四种。 patterns...
Ansible builtin module find and the windows module win_find work like the shell, batch, or PowerShell language that we use for searching the files or directories, but we don’t need to manipulate commands in ansible to get the desired search result; but instead, we can use the parameters ...
For Windows targets, use theansible.windows.win_findmodule instead. This module does not use thefindcommand, it is a much simpler and slower Python implementation. It is intended for small and simple uses. Those that need the extra power or speed and have expertise with the UNIX command, sho...
find查找模块会根据特定条件返回文件列表。 官方文档:https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/find_module.html#ansible-builtin-find-module-return-a-list-of-files-based-on-specific-criteria 2. 参数 参数说明 age string。选择年龄等于或大于指定时间的文件。使用负年龄则查找...
ansible-play脚本结构 $ tree . ├── inventories │ └── localhost ├── main.yml └── roles └── find └── tasks └── main.yml 4 directories, 3 files inventories/localhost [servers][servers:vars]# 远程用户名become_user=user_name# 查找目录directory_path="~/test" ...
This module is part of the ansible.windows collection (version 2.5.0). You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list. To install it, use: ansibl...
一、ansible简介 ansible是新出现的自动化运维工具,基于Python开发,分布式,无需客户端,轻量级,实现了批量系统配置、批量程序部署、批量运行命令等功能,ansible是基于模块工作的,本身没有批量部署的能力。真正具有批量部署的是ansible所运行的模块,ansible只是提供一种框架。
ansible中regex_findall内的变量 在Ansible中,regex_findall是一个用于在字符串中查找所有匹配正则表达式的模块。它可以用于提取字符串中的特定模式或匹配项。 regex_findall模块的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 {{ variable | regex_findall(pattern) }} 其中,variable是要进行匹配的字符串变量,pattern是要匹配的正...
I swear /opt/o2/include/module.modulemap exists ! long output: [root@ansible-ci-cs8-6 ~]# root cling version ROOT_1.0~dev Looking for C++ headers with: LC_ALL=C c++ -xc++ -E -v /dev/null 2>&1 | sed -n -e '/^.include/,${' -e '/^ \/.*++/p' -e '}' Looking for...