No_1447_Simplified Fractions No_1448_Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree No_1450_Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time No_1451_Rearrange Words in a Sentence No_1455_Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence No_1456_Maximum Number of ...
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Solve for x means we need to find the value of x for which the equation holds true, which means when you find the value of x and substitute in the equation, we should get L.H.S is equal to R.H.S.
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Evaluate the sine of 1 degree using a TI Scientific Calculator and you will get 0.0174524064. Evaluate the above messy expression and you will also get 0.0174524064. Even allowing for calculator rounding errors, we can be confident our answer is correct. ...
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