// Java program to find the // Lowest Common Multiple import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner SC = new Scanner(System.in); int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int rem = 0; int lcm = 0; int X = 0; int Y = 0; System.out...
Calculate the Sum of Natural Numbers Find Factorial of a Number Kotlin Tutorials Find Largest Element in an Array Find GCD of two Numbers Find LCM of two Numbers Find Factorial of a Number Kotlin if Expression Check Whether a Number is Positive or Negative Kotlin...
C++ Program to Find LCM of Two Numbers. C++ Program to Display Characters from A to Z Using Loop. C++ Program to Count Number of Digits in an Integer. C++ Program to Reverse a Number. C++ Program to Calculate the Power of a Number. ...
C program to find the remainder of two numbers without using modulus (%) operator /** Program to get remainder without using % operator.*/#include<stdio.h>intmain(){inta,b,rem;printf("Enter first number :");scanf("%d",&a);printf("Enter second number :");scanf("%d",&b);rem=a-...
Find LCM of two Numbers Calculate Average Using Arrays Calculate Standard Deviation Kotlin if Expression Kotlin Program to Find Largest Element in an Array Example: Find largest element in an array fun main(args: Array<String>) { val numArray = doubleArrayOf(23.4, -34.5, 50.0, 33.5, ...
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