find /source/directory -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t /target/directory; - (Moving large number of files if you want to move with command mv large list of files than you would get following error /bin/mv: Argument list too
Schapelle wrote: “Going to miss these two. My puppies #Luna&May”. Instagram page set up by Schapelle Corby today before her release. Picture: Instagram/Schapelle CorbySource:Instagram Among those making comments on the account was her sister Mercedes, who is with her inside the home now and...
"^/"| tail -n 1) 2>/dev/null) && [ -x""] && dpkg -S$cmdpath2>/dev/null | grep -E":$cmdpath\$"| cut -d-f 1; } Put this one-line function somewhere in your shell init, re-login and trywhatinstalled Sample Output You need to drop the '&' from '2&> /dev/null' ...