1 Cannot find JDK '<unknown>' for module 'appcompatV7' 0 Unable to import com.android.support:appcompat-v7 library android studio 2 Invalid Gradle JDK configuration found: Android Studio 0 Failed to resolve appcompat-v7:15.+ in Android studio 1.4 11 Failed to resolve:...
I have this error popping up. Error:java: Cannot find JDK '' for module 'appcompatV7' I cant work out why its happening, im using compatibility library and added it in the project structure. Selected it as "Library module" and added as module dependency. Its working fine on another ...
项目是用的是jdk1.8, 之前用的是idea2021版本,项目正常启动没有问题,jdk配置没有问题, 现在改用idea2023版本,启动时报:java cannot find jdk javase-1.6 for module ,请教下 工作学习中碎片化的问题及知识点的记录和整理,解决方法或求教高手或网上找或看源码等方式, 若转载忘记链接出处,请谅解。
jdk安装目录地址 方法/步骤 1 Windows7系统可以在桌面很直接的找到我的电脑选项,右键属性就可以了.windows10系统,可能桌面没有,那么就需要按下windows键,或者点击桌面左下角的Windows标志.在字母索引栏,鼠标滚轮下滑拉到w,找到windows系统,就可以找到我的电脑(此电脑).如图.2 在点开的电脑属性页面,找到高级系统设置...
Describe the bug Trying to install Ghidra and executed ghidraRun.bat after I installed jdk 11. So it tells me that it did not find Java folder.But instead let me put the right path of the java folder, it tells me to check the installatio...
jdk 方法/步骤 1 解决方法一:PATH中添加 .%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;改变顺序后问题依旧,继续。2 解决方法二:Path搜索顺序的问题,查找windows和system32目录,发现system32目录里有一个java.exe,把JAVA_HOME放到system相关配置之前,就会首先去配置的java环境下找。改变顺序后问题依旧...
AvailableJavaHomes always uses JDK\d\d? to lookup locations by environment: gradle/subprojects/internal-integ-testing/src/main/groovy/org/gradle/integtests/fixtures/AvailableJavaHomes.java Line 322 in 8824d3b private static final Pattern JDK_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("JDK\\d\\d?"); But ...
setx JAVA_HOME"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_291"setx ANDROID_HOME"C:\Android\sdk" 1. 2. 请注意,上述示例代码中的路径可能需要根据你的实际安装目录进行调整。 2. 安装路径包含非ASCII字符 如果你的JDK或Android SDK安装目录包含非ASCII字符,可能会导致"failed to find"错误。某些Android SDK安装程序无...
Determining the Default Version of the JDK on Mac When launching a Java application through the command line, the system uses the default JDK. It is possible for the version of the JRE to be different than the version of the JDK.