Private IP Address/h4> The private IP address is used within the network. It often starts with 192.168.x.x. Your computer gets a private IP address assigned automatically in smaller networks. Public IP Address The public IP address is seen by websites when you visit them. ...
find. -type d -execchmod-R 755 {} \; #14.基于FIND查找Linux操作系统指定目录以.log名称,排除access.log 和error.log,查找10天以前的,查找文件类型而不是目录类型, 日志大小大于20M,小于35M,该日志文件拥有者是root用户, 然后将软件备份到/tmp/; find/ -name"*.log" ! -name"access.log" ! -name"...
find.-type f-name"*.txt"-print|xargs-n1-p-i echo"hello">>{} 果然还是英文搜索好到了最终解决的答案: 最后搜到了这篇:, 既然是菜鸡,当然是按图索骥再顺便学习了bash -c的用法How to use positional parameters with ...
$ find $HOME -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sort -n -r | head -3 51200 /home/linuxtechi/dbstuff 8276 /home/linuxtechi/.cache/gnome-software/appstream/components.xmlb 2764 /home/linuxtechi/.local/share/gnome-photos/tracker3/private/meta.db-wal $ 我们同样可以在用户的主目录中找到...
例子:统计IP [root@centos6-2 tmp]# cat url.txt | awk -F "/+" '{urls[$2]++}END{for(key in urls)print key, urls[key]}’ 四剑客之sed 1.简介 文本编辑器,也是对文件中的内容进行逐行的处理(一次处理一行) sed的工作原理 sed读取一行,首先将这行放入到缓存中 ...
Subsequently, after identifying the primary active interface, the final step is checking the primary IP address — that is, the IP address of the primary active interface. There are many Linux utilities to find the primary IP address: ip ifconfig nmcli In this section, let’s check all three...
IP 信息包过滤和防火墙配置 参考:Linux安装Iptables SVN相关 安装svn服务 yum -y install subversion 1. 查看svn安装位置 rpm -ql subversion 1. svnserve 启动svn服务 svnserve -d -r /data/svn #(其中/data/svn为版本库的根目录) 1. 2. 查找svn进程 ...
DevOps 解决方案tcp/ippythoncentos 生产上使用splunk进行日志搜集,服务端已经安装完成,客户端有几十台需要部署,现用ansible批量安装。 loong576 2020/10/29 2.3K0 ansible生产环境使用场景(四):encrypt_string加密和ansible-lint调试 DevOps 解决方案python编程算法centoslinux 有时需要对yaml文件中的某些敏感...
PengFuChuan关注IP属地: 澳门 0.0912017.03.25 01:35:48字数 280阅读 8,488 Linux查找文件内容的常用命令方法。 从文件内容查找匹配指定字符串的行: grep “被查找的字符串” 文件名 在当前目录里第一级文件夹中寻找包含指定字符串的.in文件 grep “thermcontact” /.in ...
In this tutorial we will quickly setup java on linux centos, We will be using the yum command to download the openjdk 1.8 and install [vamshi@node01 ~]$ sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 We have installed the java openjdk 1.8 and we can check the version using java -...