% find() will get the index of element % store it in the index index = find(array==2,2,'first') 输出: 示例2: MATLAB % array of integers array = [1 2 3 4 5 6 2 4 2] % find() will get the index of element % store it in the index index = find(array==2,2,'last') ...
index = find(matrix/vector condition) 其中,matrix/vector是要查找的矩阵或向量,condition是一个逻辑表达式,用来指定要查找的元素应该满足的条件。 下面是一个例子,用来说明find函数的用法: A = [3 7 2 1 8 9]; B = find(A > 5); 在这个例子中,我们定义了一个向量A,然后使用find函数找到了所有大于5的...
2.B = unique(A); repeat_ele = B(histc(A, B) > 1)) Split thoes repeated element from B with repeat number can be changed for different purpose. 3.find(A == repeat_ele(i)) Since number of repeat elememnts may be diffrent in diffrent circumstances, we choose a variable i for exa...
How to find the index location of repeated... Learn more about repeated consecutive integers, index location of repeated values greater than threshold, find index of first integer for repeated consecutive values within a vector, finding repeated values w
vector Nonzero elements ofX, returned as a vector. More About collapse all Linear Indices A linear index allows use of a single subscript to index into an array, such asA(k). MATLAB®treats the array as a single column vector with each column appended to the bottom of the previous colum...
Hi. I have two vectors datetime and i need to find the index of vector Gsm where the date is the same of the days i extract in the previous loop. I try with the loop y and it works until i find a day that isn't in the vector Gsm.When it happens, the loop give me ...
vector Nonzero elements of X, returned as a vector.More About collapse all Linear Indices A linear index allows use of a single subscript to index into an array, such as A(k). MATLAB® treats the array as a single column vector with each column appended to the bottom of the previous...
FindIndex方法是数组对象的一个方法,用于查找数组中满足指定条件的元素,并返回其在数组中的索引值。 当FindIndex方法返回连续的-1时,可能有以下几种情况: 1. 数组中不存在满足条件...
MATLAB Online で開く ok i did that like this cases2 = ((S_model > 9.0)&(S_model<11.0)); disp(cases2); which gave a matrix with alot of 1 and 0's but i still need to be able to put these index positions that i have been getting into another ...