substring:要查找的子字符串。start(可选):开始查找的起始位置,默认为 0。end(可选):结束查找的位置,默认为字符串的长度。示例:1. 查找子字符串:text = "Hello, world! This is an example."# 使用 find 查找子字符串index = text.find("world")print("Index of 'world':", index) # 输出...
To find the index of a substring in a string in PHP, callstrpos()function and pass given string and substring as arguments. Thestrpos()function returns an integer value of the index if the substring is present in the string, else, the function returns a boolean value offalse. Syntax The ...
Python Code: # Function to find index of substringdeffind_Index(str1,pos):# Check if pos longer than str1iflen(pos)>len(str1):return'Not found'# Iterate through str1foriinrange(len(str1)):# Iterate through posforjinrange(len(pos)):# If match found, return indexifstr1[i+j]==p...
如果 start >= str.length,则该方法返回 -1,除非被查找的字符串是一个空字符串,此时返回 str.length. 3. lastIndexOf() indexOf(substr[,start]) = > 返回 substr 在字符串 str 中最后出现的位置,从 start 位置 向前开始查找,如果不存在,则返回 -1。 4. substring() Str.substring(start[,end]) = ...
Find the highest index of a substring.
indexOf 方法 返回String 对象内第一次出现子字符串的字符位置。 strObj.indexOf(subString[, startIndex]) 参数 strObj 必选项。String 对象或文字。 subString 必选项。要在 String 对象中查找的子字符串。 starIndex 可选项。该整数值指出在 String 对象内开始查找的索引。如果省略,则从字符串的开始处查找。
7.Finding index of a substring in I have a question. Suppose we have two strings str1, str2. The strings can be anything. Now, we need to create a method which searches str1 for str2 and returns the ... ...
To find index of last occurrence of substring in a string in Bash scripting, you can reverse the string and substring, find the index of reversed substring in the reversed string and, then adjust the index for last occurrence of substring in string. ...
substring是要在字符串中搜索的字符串。返回substring首次在string中出现的位置,若未找到,则返回0。 startpos指定从 string的何处开始搜索substring,正值从左至右,负值反向。 Modifier=I,搜索时忽略大小写,默认区分大小写。 /FIND函数应用举例/ data test3; ...
index = str.find_last_of(' ');// index is 4 // firstname = "Mark" lastname = "Tompkin" firstname = fullname.sub string(0,index); lastname = fullname.substring(index+1); index = fullname.find("kin");// 在 index = 9 匹配 "Kin" ...