% find() will get the index of element % store it in the index index = find(array==2,2,'first') 输出: 示例2: MATLAB % array of integers array = [1 2 3 4 5 6 2 4 2] % find() will get the index of element % store it in the index index = find(array==2,2,'last') ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 fora = 1:10 x{a} = xlsread(fileName, a, range); end or simply take example of a cell array in this form A = [1] [4] [6] [1 ] [5] [7] How to find the index max value of A (i.e.A={2,3}) ...
how to find out the index of a cell array that... Learn more about cellfun, cell array, contains, substring MATLAB
k= find(X,n)devuelve los primerosníndices correspondientes a los elementos distintos de cero deX. ejemplo k= find(X,n,direction), dondedirectiones'last', encuentra los últimosníndices correspondientes a los elementos distintos de cero deX. El valor predeterminado paradirectiones'first', qu...
MATLAB Answers How to find the index of the element of a cell array which has the maximum size 1 답변 Find and replace values in a cell array containing 3-D matrixes with numeric values 2 답변 maximum and minimum of each columns of a cell array 3 답...
Now, I want to get the index of element at the last of vector (has maximize index) subject to non-zero or bigger than 10^-7). For my example, the element that has value is 0.0442 and index=?. How to implement it by MATLAB? Thank all matlab Share Improve this question Follow edi...
For a given row, the value of the i-th element is the index of the input which is paired with the i-th output (see example below). "criteria" is a quantification of the level of the interaction of the pairings. The k-th element in the criteria vector is associated to the pairing...
Find the nonzero elements in a 3-by-3 matrix. Specify three outputs to return the row subscripts, column subscripts, and element values. X = [3 2 0; -5 0 7; 0 0 1] 1. X =3×33 2 0 -5 0 7 0 0 1 1. 2. 3.
Open in MATLAB Online For a three dimentional matrix: A=randi(10,[10 10 5]), I want to find the index (x,y,z) of each non-zero element of A and then rank the all the non-zero elements according to the value. However, when running the foll...
, and you want to find the maximum value in the first column of each 2D matrix while excluding a specified row.max