If you are usingfindin an environment where security is important (for example if you are using it to search directories that are writable by other users), you should read the "Security Considerations" chapter of the findutils documentation, which is calledFinding Filesand comes with findutils....
Linux find命令是命令行上非常有用和方便的搜索文件的命令。它可用于根据各种搜索标准查找文件,如权限,用户所有权,修改时间/日期,大小等。在这篇文章中,我们将学习使用find命令以及它支持的各种选项。 大多数Linux发行版find命令默认是可用的,因此你不必安装任何软件包。在Linux上,如果你想高效的使用Linux命令行,find...
find . -type d -name CVS -exec rm -r {} \; # remove all subdirectories named "CVS" under current dir find files by modification time --- find . -mtime 1 # 24 hours find . -mtime -7 # last 7 days find . -mtime -7 -type f # just files find . -mtime -7 -type d # j...
在root目录及其1层深的子目录中查找passwd. (例如root —level 1, and one sub-directory — level 2) #find-maxdepth2-namepasswd./etc/passwd 在root目录下及其最大两层深度的子目录中查找passwd文件. (例如 root — level 1, and two sub-directories — level 2 and 3 ) #find/ -maxdepth3-namepa...
Generally, source for a project is likely to be in one place, perhaps in a few subdirectories nested no more than two or three deep, so you can use a (possibly) faster command such as cd /path/to/project; ls *.c */*.c */*/*.c ...
in Linux, find does not require the -r or -R option in order to descend into the subdirectories. It does this by default. However, you may want to limit this behavior at times. For that reason, the options -depth, -maxdepth, and -mindepth and the action -prune may come in handy...
This guide will show you how to use "find" and "locate" commands to find files and directories on your Linux file systems.
Let's search my home folder for files that end in [0-9].jpg. It contains ~750.000 subdirectories and about a 4 million files. For averaging and statistical analysis, I'm using hyperfine. The following benchmarks are performed with a "warm"/pre-filled disk-cache (results for a "cold"...
mkdir [选项] [目录名]:创建目录(make directories) mkdir -p 递归创建 rmdir [目录名] 删除空目录 (remove empty directories) rm [选项] [目录或文件] # 删除文件或目录(remove) -r 删除目录 -f 强制 cp [选项] [原文件或目录] [目标文件或目录] #复制文件或目录(copy) ...
[ Keep your most commonly used commands handy with theLinux commands cheat sheet. ] To run the search recursively in multiple subdirectories, use the command line flag-R: $grep-R^Port /etc /etc/ssh/sshd_config:Port22 Thegrepcommand is fast and returns results quickly, but it may take a...