一、CString之Find()、FindOneOf()、ReverseFind() 此三个函数返回值均为整数int。 1、Find() 该函数从左侧0索引开始,查找第一个出现的字符位置,返回position。示例如下: 1CString s("abcd"); 2ASSERT( s.Find('b') == 1 ); 返回值: 如果查到,返回以0索引起始的位置 未查到,返回-1 2、FindOneOf(...
呵呵:MSDN:的秒速如图The zero-based index of the first character in this CString object that matches the requested substring or characters; -1 if the substring or character is not found.也就是基于下标为0的的查找;第一个是查找的字符,第二个是查找的开始位置;返回的是字符串的位置,...
CString::Find int Find( TCHAR ch ) const;int Find( LPCTSTR lpszSub ) const;int Find( TCHAR ch, int nStart ) const;int Find( LPCTSTR pstr, int nStart ) const;Return Value The zero-based index of the first character in this CString object that matches the requested substring ...
The zero-based index of the first character in thisCStringobject that matches the requested substring or characters; -1 if the substring or character is not found. Example // First example demonstrating // CString::Find (TCHAR ch) CString s("abcdef"); ASSERT(s.Find('c') == 2); ASSERT...
CString::Find Article 07/12/2006 intFind(TCHARch**)const;**intFind(LPCTSTRlpszSub**)const;**int Find( TCHAR ch**, int** nStart ) const;int Find( LPCTSTR pstr**, int** nStart ) const;Return ValueThe zero-based index of the first character in this CString object that matches the...
can have imap:// url strings tacked on the end,// e.g., when opening/saving attachments. We don't want to look for '#'// in that part of the uri, if the attachment name contains '#',// so check for that here.if(StringBeginsWith(uriStr, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("imap-message")))...
ALOGE("SK: in AudioSource : inputSource: %d", inputSource); CHECK( meta->findCString( kKeyMIMEType, &mime ) ); mMime = mime;int32_tsampleRate =0;//these are the only supported valuesint32_tchannels =0;//for the below tunnel formatsCHECK( meta->findInt32( kKeyChannelCount, &chann...
Using the CString::Find( character, start ) form of the function. If I am reading the documentation correctly, there's no way to skip past a character that is the first position in the string. For example, if the string is "aacda", and you search for ( 'a', 0 ), you'll find...
virtual CString GetFileURL() const; Return ValueThe complete URL.RemarksYou must call FindNextFile at least once before calling GetFileURL.GetFileURL is similar to the member function GetFilePath, except that it returns the URL in the form file://path. For example, calling GetFileURL to get ...
virtual CString GetFileTitle() const; 傳回值檔案的標題。備註您至少必須呼叫 FindNextFile 一次,才能呼叫 GetFileTitle。GetFileTitle 是三CFileFind 個成員函式之一,會傳回某種形式的檔名。 下列清單描述這三個清單及其差異:GetFileName 會傳回檔名,包括擴展名。 例如,呼叫 GetFileName 以產生檔案的相關 c:\my...