Identity Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Core Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Provider Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId Windows.Security.Authentication.Web Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider Windows.Security.Authorization.AppCapabilityAccess ...
Function RoleCapability Workflow Type:String[] Accepted values:Cmdlet, DscResource, Function, RoleCapability, Workflow Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -MaximumVersion Specifies the maximum package version that you want to find. ...
I am trying to use the find function in excel VBA inside of a loop. Frist pass would make the "what" in this find function as the value in file A cell B4, and then look for this value in file B and t... mlondonop Your description is not very specific, so my reply is vague ...
Invoke function findRooms Syntax PowerShell Find-MgBetaUserRoom-UserId<String> [-Count] [-Filter <String>] [-Search <String>] [-Skip <Int32>] [-Top <Int32>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [<CommonParameters>] ...
If I have a view that looks like this App.UserLinkView = Ember.View.extend({ user: function() { return App.User.findByUsername(this.get("username")); }.property(), template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('
- x86_64 Events: Api: Type: Api Properties: Path: /blocks Method: GET GetOpenBlocksByDateRangeFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: Handler: ./src/handlers/blocks/get-open-blocks-by-date-range.getOpenBlocksByDateRangeHandler Architectures: - x86_64 Events: Api: Type: HttpApi...
ClaimsIdentity.cs Retrieves all of the claims that have the specified claim type. C# publicvirtualSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Security.Claims.Claim> FindAll (stringtype); Parameters type String The claim type against which to match claims. ...
Please note: A data network (Internet connection such as Mobile data or Wi-Fi) is required to run this function. Devices that support the SmartThings Find (Find My Mobile) Samsung mobile phones, tablets, and some wearable devices such as Galaxy Watch, Galaxy Buds etc. (Third-party SmartTag...
The magicKey parameter will not function correctly if passed alone. Both magicKey and SingleLine must be included in a findAddressCandidates request so the output matches the selected suggestion. Note: For best results, when the searchExtent and location parameters are included in a suggest ...
Hello everyone, I tried to find the solution but still cant. I have an data list as below. I want to get the nth value which match below criteria: if A = "Ongoing" and B = "QU" or "TN", resu... Jess_Ora Enter the value of n in (for example) E2. ...