//stackoverflow.com.../questions/35594450/find-in-set-in-laravel-example/35594503find_in_set 复杂应用: public function get_teacher_list...$items = User::whereIn('id', $ids) - orderByRaw(DB::raw("FIELD(id, $ids_ordered)")) - get(); 以上这篇Laravel...findin set排序实例就是小编...
pluck($column)仅返回给定列中值的集合。在以前的Laravel版本中,调用了此方法lists。 toArray() 将模型/集合转换为简单的PHP数组。 注意: 一个集合是一个强化的数组。它的功能与数组类似,但功能很多,正如您在文档中看到的一样。 不幸的是,PHP不允许在任何地方使用集合对象来使用数组。 例如,在一个foreach循环中...
get('/', function () { return App\User::getPostById(1); });能得到你想要的结果。如果你使用 IDE,你会发现找不到我们 Model 中的find 方法,但是我记得在 laravel5.1 之前一直是存在的,忍不住看了一下 5.1 的 5.0 的代码,大概猜到了可能是我们的 eloquent 更新了。
1. find(【主键数组】),它将返回匹配记录的集合《==》whereIn('id',array(主键数组)); 2.first(【字段数组】),取回符合查询限制的第一个模型,指定的字段数组的实例 1 2 $build=Building::first(['name','company_id']); dump($build【‘company_id’】);//15...
laravel find_in_set逗号分隔的字符串 topic: Exploring the "find_in_set" function in Laravel for comma-separated strings Introduction: In Laravel, the "find_in_set" function is a useful tool for searching comma-separated strings. It allows developers to find aparticular value within a string, ...
Str::macro(‘swap’, function($map, $subject){ return str_replace(array_keys($map), array_values($map), $subject); }); $subject= ‘This post created by Bayram ek’; echo Str::swap([ ‘post’ => ‘code’, ‘ek’ => ‘Eker’ ...
1 Laravel Eloquent - Find and Other queries 0 Find method does not work in laravel controller 89 Eloquent: find() and where() usage laravel 2 Laravel Eloquent - using "With" along with "find" 1 Laravel Eloquent - Using array in find() method 0 Laravel using find() and get()...
Eloquent understands any of the types defined in the castAttribute() function, which as of Laravel 5.4 are: int, float, string, bool, object, array, collection, date and timestamp. This will ensure that your primary key is correctly cast into the equivalent PHP data type. Share Improve thi...