find /usr/linux -name "*.h" | xargs -n50 grep SYSCALL_VECTOR grep SYSCALL_VECTOR /usr/linux/*.h | cut -d’:’ -f1 | uniq > filename find /usr/linux -name "*.h" -exec grep "SYSCALL_VECTOR" {} \; -print 我用find / -name filename| rm -rf,不成功,请问为什么不成功? find ...
一、Linux中find常见用法示例 ·find path -option [ -print ] [ -exec -ok command ] {} \; #-print 将查找到的文件输出到标准输出 #-exec command {} \; ---将查到的文件执行command操作,{} 和 \;之间有空格 #-ok 和-exec相同,只不过在操作前要询用户 === -name filename #查找名为filename...
find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-D debugopts] [-Olevel] [path...] [expression] 其实[-H] [-L] [-P] [-D debugopts] [-Olevel]这几个选项并不常用(至少在我的日常工作中,没有用到过),上面的find命令的常用形式可以简化为: find [path...] [expression] path:find命令所查找的目录路径。例如用...
这通常位于macOS或Linux的~/.config/fd/ignore中,Windows中位于%APPDATA%\fd\ignore。 删除文件 你可以使用fd删除所有与你的搜索模式匹配的文件和目录。如果你只想删除文件,可以使用--exec-batch/-X选项调用rm。例如,要递归删除所有.DS_Store文件,请运行: 复制 fd-H'^\.DS_Store$'-tf-Xrm 1. 如果你不确定...
fd具有良好的跨平台性,支持在 Linux、macOS、Windows 等多种平台下安装运行。首次用户 使用x fd即可...
Unlike many commands in Linux, find does not require the -r or -R option in order to descend into the subdirectories. It does this by default. However, you may want to limit this behavior at times. For that reason, the options -depth, -maxdepth, and -mindepth and the action -prune...
find [path...] [expression] 路径 表达式 描述 这个文档是GNU版本find命令的使用手册。find搜索目录树上的每一个文件名,它从左至右鉴定给定的表达式,按照优先规则(见运算符一节)进行匹配, 直到知道结果(运算符左边值为假则进行与操作,为真则进行或操作),然后find移向下一个文件名。第一个开头带有'-','('...
Freecommander Review, Freecommander Vs Total Commander, Freecommander Windows 10, How To Use Space Sniffer, How To Use Windirstat, Is Windirstat Safe, Jdisc, Jdisk Install, Jdiskreport Application Not Found, Jdiskreport For Mac, Jdiskreport Linux, Jdiskreport Linux Download, Jdiskreport Portable...
# ls anaconda-ks.cfg original-ks.cfg test.cfg # find / -name *.cfg find: paths must precede expression: original-ks.cfg Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression] Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscriber...
Make sure that $HOME/.local/bin is in your $PATH. Note that the .deb packages on the release page for this project still name the executable fd. On Fedora Starting with Fedora 28, you can install fd from the official package sources: dnf install fd-find On Alpine Linux You can ...