例如: shell> find/tmp -print -type f -name"*.txt"/tmp/tmp/userfile/tmp/passwdfile/tmp/testdir/tmp/testdir/a.log/tmp/a.txt/tmp/time.sh/tmp/b.txt/tmp/abc/tmp/abc/axyz.log/tmp/about.html 它将输出/tmp下所有文件,而不是输出满足-type f -name "*.txt"的文件,因为-print总是返回true...
find . -type f -name "*.java" | xargs tar cvf myfile.tar find . -type f -name "*.java" | xargs tar rvf myfile.tar (see http://alvinalexander.com/blog/post/linux-unix/using-find-xargs-tar-crea... for more information) find, tar, and xargs --- find . -name -type f '*...
相应命令的形式为'command' { } \;,注意{ }和、;之间的空格。 -ok: 和 -exec 的作用相同,只不过以一种更为安全的模式来执行该参数所给出的 shell 命令,在执行每一个命令之前,都会给出提示,让用户来确定是否执行。 4.命令选项: -name 按照文件名查找文件。 -perm 按照文件权限来查找文件。 -prune ...
linux find命令 linux find命令 find简介 find命令是Linux系统管理员武库中最强大的工具之一。 你可以使用find命令根据文件和目录的权限、类型、日期、所有权、大小等来搜索。它还可以与其他工具相结合,如[grep或sed。 find[options][path...][expression] options属性控制了对符号链接、调试选项和优化方法的处理。 p...
find命令是在 Linux 和 Unix 系统中用于查找文件的强大工具。它可以递归地在指定的目录和子目录中搜索符合条件的文件,并执行一些操作。 以下是 find 命令的一些常见用法和参数: 基本用法 查找指定名称的文件: find /path/to/directory -name "filename" 这个命令会在 /path/to/directory 目录中递归查找名称为 ...
When you use multiple files,grepshows the name of the file where it found a match before showing the matched line. [ Keep your most commonly used commands handy with theLinux commands cheat sheet. ] To run the search recursively in multiple subdirectories, use the command line flag-R: ...
The command name is 50% shorter* than find . Demo How to use First, to get an overview of all available command line options, you can either run fd -h for a concise help message or fd --help for a more detailed version. Simple search fd is designed to find entries in your filesys...
The two most widely used file searching utilities accessible to Linux users are calledand. Both are good ways to find files on your system. It is up to you to decide which of these tools is appropriate in each situation. This article should give you a fundamental understanding of finding fi...
ffip-lisp-find-file-in-project By default it finds file in project. f its parameter is not nil, it find directory instead. It’s written in pure Lisp and does not use any third party command line program. So it works in all environments. ffip-create-project-file Create .dir-locals....
mtime– with this argument you can easily locate files and folders in Linux that have been modified in the last X days. In the example above 4 is the number of days. To search in SSH for a word or a sentence in a file you can use the grep command: ...