find-nouser -newer file1:查找更改时间与文件file1更改时间最近的文件; -type:查找某一类型的文件,诸如: b - 块设备文件;d - 目录; c - 字符设备文件; p - 管道文件; l - 符号链接文件;f - 普通文件; -size n +[c]代表以字节计即查找字节为n的文件,+n(表示大于n字节的文件),-n(表示小于n字节...
The totalRecords parameter is an out parameter that is set to the total number of inactive user profiles for the application specified by the applicationName attribute in the configuration file, based on the supplied authenticationOption. For example, if there are 13 users for the configured ...
The FindInactiveProfilesByUserName method is used to retrieve profile information for all unused user profiles for the application specified by the applicationName attribute in the configuration file. This method will only retrieve profiles for which the profile user name matches the supplied usernameTo...
#find.-name"file*"-print|xargs echo"">/temp/core.log # cat/temp/core.log./file6 在当前目录下查找所有用户具有读、写和执行权限的文件,并收回相应的写权限: 代码语言:javascript 复制 # ls-l drwxrwxrwx2sam adm409610月3020:14file6-rwxrwxrwx2sam adm010月3101:01http3.conf-rwxrwxrwx2sam adm0...
-iname 'FILENAME':文件名匹配时不区分大小写 -regex PATTERN: 基于正则表达式进行为文件名匹配 -user USERNAME:根据属主查找 find /tmp -user user1 -group GROUPNAME:根据属组查找 -uid UID:根据UID查找 如果用户被删除(userdel -r 用户名),用户在/tmp下创建的文件的属主的名称就会变成当初创建用户时的uid...
例如,如果使用者在控制項中輸入日期,您可以使用 Find 方法來搜尋檔中的所有日期,並使用適當的格式取代它們,再使用 SaveFile 控制項的 方法。 注意 Find接受string 做為 參數的方法,在 內的 RichTextBox 多個文字行上找不到包含的文字。 執行這類搜尋會傳回負值 1 (-1) 。 適用於 .NET Framework 4.8.1 及...
{{userData.txtUser}} {{userData.txtMember}} {{ memberData.levelName }} {{userData.textDownLoad}} {{dataCart.txtYourCart}} ({{dataList.cartItems.length}}) {{dataCart.txtStock}} {{item.attachment.productDisplayName || item.displayName}} {{productType(item.attachment.skuSelectOptions...
fdis a program to find entries in your filesystem. It is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative tofind. While it does not aim to support all offind's powerful functionality, it provides sensible (opinionated) defaults for a majority of use cases. ...
FindFile GetCustomListContents GetCustomListNum GetOpenFilename GetPhonetic GetSaveAsFilename Goto Help InchesToPoints InputBox Intersect MacroOptions MacroOptions2 MailLogoff MailLogon NextLetter OnKey OnRepeat OnTime OnUndo Quit RecordMacro RegisterXLL Repeat ResetTipWizard Run Save SaveWorkspace SendKeys SetD...
Cause 4: The indexer has not yet inserted the file into the index Files are not immediately inserted into the index by the indexer. When there is no user activity, the indexer uses resources to process the backlog of files that have not yet been indexed. For example, you open theIndexing...