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We show that for any training algorithm, low values of this term correspond to reduction in memorization of label-noise and better generalization bounds. To obtain these low values, we propose training algorithms that employ an auxiliary network that predicts gradients in the final layers of a ...
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errorMat= zeros((numVal,30))#create error mat 30columns numVal rowsforiinrange(numVal): trainX=[]; trainY=[] testX= []; testY =[] random.shuffle(indexList)forjinrange(m):#create training set based on first 90% of values in indexListifj < m*0.9: ...
This term refers to a form of the technology that is typically designed to do one thing: play chess, create images, write text, and the like. Narrow AI is all around us, and it has been for some time — just think about how long calculators have been a thing. But the arrival of ...
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There is evidence that lower height is associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D). It is not clear though whether these associations are causal, direct or mediated by other factors. Here we
(2)Half-life— “the time required for a quantity to reduce to half its initial value. The term is commonly used in nuclear physics to describe how quickly unstable atoms undergo, or how long stable atoms survive, radioactive decay.” (related:viral marketing) ...
Based on the analysis of traffic collected from WiFi testbeds, a statistical model that employs seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average method has been proposed to predict the short-term traffic in WiFi networks [22]. From the collected throughput values, a statistical model that uses l...