用法: set_name.find(element) 参数:该函数接受一个强制性参数element ,该元素指定要在集合容器中搜索的元素。 返回值:该函数返回一个迭代器,该迭代器指向在集合容器中搜索的元素。如果找不到该元素,则迭代器将指向集合中最后一个元素之后的位置。 以下示例程序旨在说明上述函数。 // CPP program to demonstrate ...
//Big O runtime 0(n) Remove an element from set *sp using linear searchboolremoveElement(SET *sp,char*elt){ assert(sp!=NULL);boolfound;//Find the element to deleteinttemp =findElement(sp, elt, &found);//If the element is not foundif(temp ==-1)returnfalse;//Replacing the element...
/// Compile options needed: -GX// SetFind.cpp:// Illustrates how to use the find function to get an iterator// that points to the first element in the controlled sequence// that has a particular sort key.// Functions:// find Returns an iterator that points to the first eleme...
The member function returns an iterator that addresses an element in the set whose sort key is equivalent to the argument key under a binary predicate that induces an ordering based on a less-than comparability relation. If the return value offindis assigned to aconst_iterator, the set object...
+10 frameworks/common/src/accessibility_element_info.cpp 100644 -> 100644 @@ -568,6 +568,16 @@ void AccessibilityElementInfo::SetAccessibilityText(const std::string &accessibi 568 568 accessibilityText_ = accessibilityText; 569 569 } 570 570 571 void AccessibilityElementInfo::SetTextType...
The numbers.begin() is the first iterator's setting, which points to the start of the vector, and numbers.end() is set as the final iterator (pointing to the vector's final element). Each element in the range is first compared to the value 30 by the function before iterating over th...
find_element_by_link_text("登录").click()#等待3秒钟,等待登录成功。time.sleep(3)def tearDown(self):#测试结束,退出会话。self... 通过OpenTelemetry上报C++应用数据 package(protobuf)find_package(gRPC)find_package(CURL)find_package(nlohmann_json)include_directories("${OPENTELEMETRY_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS...
RootElementSettings 规则 RuleManager RuleOnAttribute SElementPartitionMapper SerializationContext SerializationContextTransactionExtensions SerializationException SerializationMessage SerializationMessageKind SerializationResult SerializationUtilities SimpleMonikerResolver ...
()” function. This function accepts only one parameter. It produces an iterator that points to the element if it locates it. If not, it returns an iterator that points to the set’s end. It is a built-in function in C++ programming. We utilize this set “find()” function in our ...
An iterator to the requested element. If no such element is found, past-the-end (seeend()) iterator is returned. Complexity Logarithmic in the size of the container. Notes Feature-testmacroValueStdFeature __cpp_lib_generic_associative_lookup201304L(C++14)Heterogeneous comparison lookup inassociat...