be NOT FOUND. Reason given by package: Pangolin could not be found because dependency Eigen3 could not be found. -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/ubutu18/ORB_SLAM2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/ubutu18/ORB_SLAM2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeErro...
针对你提出的问题“failed to find ceres - missing required ceres dependency: eigen version 3.3”,以下是根据提供的参考信息和tips进行的分析和解答: 1. 确认Ceres库和Eigen库的依赖关系 Ceres Solver是一个用于非线性最小二乘问题的C++库,它依赖于Eigen库进行矩阵和线性代数运算。因此,当安装Ceres Solver时,必须...
if(NOTEigen3_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR"Could not find required dependency Eigen3") set(libigl_core_FOUNDFALSE) else() set_target_properties(igl::core PROPERTIES INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES PkgConfig::Eigen3) set(libigl_core_FOUNDTRUE) endif() ...
set(OpenSSL_LIBRARIES ${OpenSSL_ROOT}/lib/libssl.a ${OpenSSL_ROOT}/lib/libcrypto.a) message(STATUS "Found external dependency SSL: " ${OpenSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}) 4. Cmake download文件脚本 set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_VERSION 0.27.2) set(CPM_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/CPM_${CPM_DOWNL...
3. 4. 注意:要在 Melodic 上启用 CUDA 支持,需要更新 Eigen。 创建工作空间 1. 2. 下载autoware 1.12.0相关代码库链接到"" ...
add_project_dependency(Eigen3 REQUIRED) find_package(Eigen3 QUIET NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY) if(Eigen3_FOUND) add_project_dependency(Eigen3 REQUIRED NO_CMAKE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY) else() add_project_dependency(Eigen3 MODULE REQUIRED) endif()# ...
eigen3 is a dependency. You need to install it on your system. rovinski closed this as completed Aug 3, 2020 Member maliberty commented Aug 3, 2020 • edited by rovinski You can look at the Docker file to see the dependencies, e.g.: # eigen required by replace, TritonMacroPlace...
Also some minor cleanup: removed run dependencies for packages that haverun_exports added version pinning to the eigenrunrequirement, matching what is inrun_exports add missing host dependency onmetis, which Ceresdoeslink directly, though it's unclear if it should... ...
error: OpenCV(4.5.3) /tmp/pip-req-build-l1r0y34w/opencv/modules/calib3d/src/usac/essential_solver.cpp:197: error: (-213:The function/feature is not implemented) To use essential matrix solver LAPACK or Eigen has to be installed! in function 'estimate' ...
Findlibigl.cmake Findtinyxml2.cmake GenerateDependencyTargets.cmake docker docs python scripts src tests third_party tools .dockerignore .gitignore .gitmodules .readthedocs.yml .travis.yml CMakeLists.txt Settings.cmake setup.cfg setup.pyBreadcrumbs...