Because you have stored you date time value as text (nvarchar) and so it sorted as text and MAX Returns the textual highest value; S Comes after N.You have to convert the text to datetime value using CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL)...
In part, the code looks for sequential events of OFF and ON pairs that contain the most recent off. The Where clause at the end of the code removes all of the event that were related to generating the date pairs of interest. The temptablefin table in my MS SQL SERVER RIdIDDateStatus...
declare @array table ---table of values ( id int identity(1,1) ,value nvarchar(max) ) DECLARE @VALUE NVARCHAR(MAX)='val1_val2_val3_val4_val5_val6_val7'---string array DECLARE @CURVAL NVARCHAR(MAX) ---current value DECLARE @DELIM NVARCHAR(1)='_' ---delimiter DECLARE @BREAKPT ...
SELECT customer_id,ord_date,MAX(purch_amt) FROM orders GROUP BY customer_id,ord_date; find the highest purchase amount ordered by the each customer on a particular date with their ID, order date and highest purchase amount.
Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope. [Subscription] The delivery extension for this subscription could not be loaded @ExecutionTime date format on email subject? #Error in SSRS Expression #...
SQL codeselect count(*) as cnt,month(editdate) as monthflg from projects where year (editdate)=2007 group by monthflg 每天 SQL codeselect count(*) as cnt from projects group by date(editdate) mysql中DATE_FORMAT(date, format)函数可根据format字符串格式化日期或日期和时间值date,返回结果 ...
var;--这个可以根据实际情况获得,我这里只是随便写写,让你感受到这种思想。 获取下一页: Js代码 db.users.find({"create":{"$gt":lastTime}}).sort("create":-1}).limit(10) 这种分页查询中就没有了skip了。 优化深分页的核心思想(包括关系型数据库,以及其他NoSql数据库):减...
Criteria中的值可以是字符串、浮点数或日期。 字符串值使用单引号或“#”(数字记号)标记分隔(例如,“state = 'WA'”或“state = #WA#”)。 日期值用“#” (数字符号分隔,) 标记 (例如,“start_date > #7/22/97#”) ,可以包含小时、分钟和秒来指示时间戳,但不应包含毫秒或将发生错误。
UserInactiveSinceDate如果 属性不等于MaxValue,则还会筛选返回的记录,以仅返回与非活动用户关联的记录。 比较包括属性小于或等于 属性的UserInactiveSinceDate记录LastActivityDate。 请注意,此方法不会验证查询参数的组合。 例如,代码可以请求与共享范围中的特定用户名关联的一组个性化设置状态记录。 由于用户名...
If I use VS.NET add-in for oracle to get DDL for this table. I get following. -- *** Object: Table DENEME.TABLE2 Script Date: 05.05.2013 21:43:11 *** CREATE TABLE "TABLE2" ( "COLUMN_INT" NUMBER NOT NULL, "COLUMN_INTEGER" NUMBER NOT NULL, "COLUMN_SMALLINT" NUM...