find /path/to/search -name “*.txt” -not -name “file.txt” # search for .txt files excluding the one named file.txt “` These are just a few examples of how you can use the “find” command in Linux. The possibilities are extensive, and you can mix and match different options ...
Use ‘-size’ option in find command to search files based on the size. Run following command ...
·find path -option [ -print ] [ -exec -ok command ] {} \; find命令的参数; pathname: find命令所查找的目录路径。例如用.来表示当前目录,用/来表示系统根目录。 -print: find命令将匹配的文件输出到标准输出。 -exec: find命令对匹配的文件执行该参数所给出的shell命令。相应命令的形式为'command' {...
Examples of the FIND command in Linux Finding files on the system To find all the files in the ‘/’ folder i.e. root directory, use, # find / -type f To search for the file in a particular directory, use, # find /etc/ -type f ...
To find a file by name with thefindcommand, you would use the following syntax: find-name"query" Copy This will be case sensitive, meaning a search forqueryis different from a search forQuery. To find a file by name but ignore the case of the query, use the-inameoption: ...
-exec: find命令对匹配的文件执行该参数所给出的shell命令。相应命令的形式为'command' { } \;,注意{ }和\;之间的空格。 -ok: 和-exec的作用相同,只不过以一种更为安全的模式来执行该参数所给出的shell命令,在执行每一个命令之前,都会给出提示,让用户来确定是否执行。
Linux find command LINUX 下查找指定时间的所有文件 find. -name "*.txt" -mtime -1 //以上为1小时以内的当前目录内修改的所有为txt格式的文件. 其中-1为1小时以内, +1为1小时之前 find . -mmin -10 //查找10分钟内当前目录内修改的所有文件
Title: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Fuzzy Commands in Linux Find Introduction: In Linux, the “find” command is a powerful tool for searching files and directories. But what if you only have partial information about the file or directory you are looking for? This is where fuzzy search co...
linux find命令使用 Find is a very strong command to search for files and folders. You can search for files based on certain criteria besides filename, such as file types, atime, belongs to which groups, file modes, etc. Because find command support a lots of options, therefore sometimes ...
相应命令的形式为'command' { } \;,注意{ }和、;之间的空格。 -ok: 和 -exec 的作用相同,只不过以一种更为安全的模式来执行该参数所给出的 shell 命令,在执行每一个命令之前,都会给出提示,让用户来确定是否执行。 4.命令选项: -name 按照文件名查找文件。 -perm 按照文件权限来查找文件。 -prune ...