To run command on find command result use -exec option, it’s syntax given below, 要在查找结果上运行命令,使用 -exec 选项,其语法如下所示 $ find -exec {} \; 以下命令将找到所有文件,并将其名称重定向到 /tmp/logsfiles.txt $ sudo find /var -type f -name '*.log' -exec ls -lah {} ...
The syntax of find command is: find where-to-look criteria what-to-do I have tried to explain the find command usage with all possible examples: Part I – Find Files Based on their types 1. Find Files Using Name in Current Directory Find all the files whose name is codeon.txt in a ...
5、语法高亮 :syntax on :syntax off 二十三、配置文件 /etc/vimrc ~/.vimrc vimtutor grep, egrep, fgrep: 文本查找 find/locate:文件查找 locate: 非实时,模糊匹配,查找是根据全系统文件数据库进行的; # updatedb, 手动生成文件数据库 速度快 [root@localhost ~]# locate passwd /etc/passwd /etc/passwd-...
find / name linux ; here the second part that means “/” has an important role in the find command syntax. This is the path for searching the file having name linux. This command will return the file linux if it is exist under “/” . Numeric arguments +n>> for greater than n,-...
This command tellsfindto start looking in the root directory of the file system (/) for files named (-name)cookieand then to print (-print) the full name of each file it finds. Actually, you don't need the-printflag on Red Hat Linux, but on most Unix systems, if you leave off ...
The Linuxfindcommand is simultaneously one of the most useful and confounding of all Linux commands. It is difficult because its syntax varies from the standard syntax of other Linux commands. It is powerful, however, because it allows you to find files by filename, by file type, by user,...
:setai自动缩进(其他发行版本):setshiftwidth=4设置自动缩进空格数为4(ubuntu系统):setsoftabstop=4设置制表符宽度为4:setic 查找时不考虑大小写:setnoic 查找时考虑大小写显示对应的括号:setsm(show match):setnosm语法高亮::syntax on:syntax off搜索高亮::sethlsearch:setnohlsearch ...
This command tellsfindto start looking in the root directory of the file system (/) for files named (-name)cookieand then to print (-print) the full name of each file it finds. Actually, you don't need the-printflag on Red Hat Linux, but on most Unix systems, if you leave off ...
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Linux 命令之find Syntax: $ find location comparison-criteria search-term Basic examples 1: List all files in current and sub directories $ find . ./.mozilla ./.mozilla/plugins ./.mozilla/extensions ./.bash_logout ./.kshrc ./.bash_profile...