The input to the "find()" command is a 137x145 Matrix. When I run the code it outputs a 138x1 matrix for both "row_inst_5" and "col_inst_5" which is incorrect based off the "find()" guidlines in the Matlab explanaion on how to use the "find()" command. This is an issu...
How to find and replace a particular number/word/command in the multiple opened *.m files at once? I want to change one particular X-Label from 50 different files. It is difficult to do it 50 times and run. So, I can find and replace it in all ...
This function works similar to the Linux find command in that it allows to locate files (or folders) relative to a start folder with depth, age, and size restrictions configurable. Both the start folder as well as the pattern to look for can be list of strings to allow complex searches,...
The entrywise product results in a 0-1 matrix where 1s mark the saddle points. Then the find command returns the indices of the saddles. E.g., with the test example M = [1 2 1 2 ; 5 3 4 3] saddles = 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 I = 1 1 J = 2 4 Share Improve this answer...
1、find find [path] -option [-print] [ -exec -ok command] {} \; search for files in a directory hierarchy ① -print 将查找到的文件输出到标准输出,一个文件一行 ② -delete删除找出的文件 ③ -exec command {} \; 将查到的文件执行command操作,{}和\;之间有空格,"\;"是固定的结束符;{}会...
A simple 2 step function in which the 'isoutlier' command identifies outliers and the 'find' command locates which cells the outliers are in. Cite As Scott Callahan (2025). findout (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved ...
I tried the command@wanwan lisuggested and it worked for me on my (classic) autosar model, in R2021b. I tried it on a "blank" model generated from an arxml. Flipping the parm setting on and off sometimes didn't have any effect, but that might been due to cache issues....
This is what I get from running that command: As you can see, my GPU is even showing a process from Matlab... so why can't Matlab recognize it? "To see if the system sees the GPU, use: % lspci | grep -i nvidia 04:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK...
to use this function with your data. You have 3000 samples, but what is the sample rate (Fs)? Presumably your time data (first column) includes fractions of a second. How many seconds worth of data do you have? Is the time delta between each consecutive pair of samples time identical?
% Find point in AA closest to p2. p2 =[63,11] squaredDistance = sum((AA-repmat(p2', [1, size(AA, 2)])).^2, 1) [maxSqDist2, indexOfMax2] = max(squaredDistance) In the command window, you'll see: テーマコピー AA = 39 63 71 7 53 39 64 23 29 65 20 11 22 78 ...