MajorGeeks: Setting the standard for editor-tested, trusted, and secure downloads since 2001. Join the MajorGeeks Mailing List to get the latest updates and exclusive offers! -= advertisement =- Avast Decryption Tool for FindZip unlocks the FindZip ransomware strain that spreads on Mac OS X... Find sum of different corresponding bits for all pairs We define f (X, Y) as number of different corresponding bits in binary representation of X and Y. For example, f (2, 7) = 2, since binary representation of 2 and 7...
When subtracting the start element of a subarray, we need to ensure that after this step, there is still at least one element in currSum. Otherwise, this algorithm would break for the following corner case. For the case of given sum 0 and all elements in currSum are bigger than 0: cur...
MajorGeeks: Setting the standard for editor-tested, trusted, and secure downloads since 2001. Join the MajorGeeks Mailing List to get the latest updates and exclusive offers! -= advertisement =- FART: Find And Replace Text is a command prompt version of the Unix grep command for Windows wi...
Apart from the basic operation of looking for files under a directory structure, you can also perform several practical operations using find command that will make your command line journey easy. In this article, let us review 15 practical examples of Linux find command that will be very useful...
There is not a single command in Linux to help us with this task, but we will use a combination of find, du, sort, and head command to recursively find and delete largest files and directories fast. If you don’t know the du command stands for disk usage and print size of each file...
Creating a vm for Haskell development 19 February 2015 It has been a while since I used any flavour of Linux as a development environment (so, apologies if I am showing something really obvious). Haskell development in Windows doesn’t seem to be the default :D (Haskell Platform installs ...
To find a similar string as above, we can use a command as: $sudoawk‘{/uid=0/{flag =1}; flag’|tail-1 Similarly, this will show the last occurrence of the string as: Conclusion That is it for this one. In this quick tutorial, we discussed two main methods to find the last oc...
不仅如此,智云还希望构建稳定器X图传生态,推出了诸如ViaTouch 2.0、一键框选智能跟随等功能,丰富了用户在图传功能上的新体验。OPPO Find X2是台好手机,搭配智云手持稳定器作为图传监看设备同样很出色。而对于用户来说,入手一台新机不仅仅能体验到手机本身的功能,还能获得额外的附加值,尤其是无需多花钱购置监...
还未开售便圈粉无数 高级感十足的 Find X2 Pro雅灰版太值得入手 随着我们工作与生活边界的不断模糊,出于理性思维与时间考量,很多人开始追求除服装以外能同时应对多种场景的单品来彰显个人独特品味。而一款好看且能打的手机,不论是在风云际会的职场,还是沸反盈天的私人聚会,都能凸显自己与众不同的气质,在...